October 6, 2021, 6:43 am*
A former Royal Marine who shares videos promoting personal safety online is filling a very specific niche by teaching people how to defend themselves while wearing acrylic nails.
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@dutchintheusa appears to have been inspired by another TikToker, @ryleerichhart, jokingly suggesting that if she were ever to keep someone hostage, she would give them acrylics, because they wouldn’t be able to do anything to get away.
The Royal Marine took on the challenge and attempted a number of things Rylee theorized no one would be able to do with acrylics in his own video.
Although he was successful, he realized how difficult acrylics make things, and decided to do a few instructional videos in his own full set of nails to help others out.
“In my last video, you saw me rolling up my fingers like this to make a fist,” he said, demonstrating and noting that it’s something that “hurts very, very much.”
So instead of throwing a proper closed-fist punch with nails on, @dutchintheusa suggests taking the heel of your palm and attacking a potential assailant in that manner. Failing that option, he recommends partly curling your fingers up and hitting with the side of your fist.
He also has a popular video explaining how to pick a lock to escape handcuffs:
And how to get out of zipties:
Viewers were impressed that he actually went to the effort of putting on acrylics and making this video for people who could benefit from it.
“This is going the extra mile and putting yourself in our shoes,” wrote @xoxomakamae. “Thank you for this!”
“I love that you actually put them on. You can only tell us how it feels if you KNOW how it feels!” @jenniferjuniper71 chimed in.
Another viewer suggested this video is “pure proof your ‘masculinity’ is not hurt if you do certain things.”
He also received an overwhelming number of compliments about how good the nails look on him, particularly in that shade of blue.
*First Published: October 6, 2021, 6:42 am