Ted ‘No Mask Mandate’ Cruz Sends His Kids To A Masked Up Private School

ted cruz kids private school

Rich Koele/Shutterstock

August 12, 2021, 11:06 am*

As usual, Texas senator Ted Cruz is doing his best to end up on the wrong side of history and is doing his best to appeal to his base by opposing vaccine and mask mandates, especially in schools. Cruz has even introduced legislation to ban mandates and a bill to ban vaccine passports.

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In an interview with Fox News, Cruz opposed the CDC’s famous Dr. Fauci’s recommendation that schools adopt mask mandates to prevent the spread of the Delta variant, which seems to be far more transmissible.

Cruz believes that Fauci is caving to the teacher’s unions, though they work in pretty different departments, and that mask mandates have no “scientific basis.”


“And I think this is just abusive,” Cruz said. “It is dangerous where these government figures believe they have the right to impose rules on you—rules that they don’t intend to follow.”

And he’s proud of all these statements, based on the fact that he’s sharing them over and over on social media:

But at home, Cruz admits he and his family (who are eligible) have been vaccinated. And BoingBoing reports that he sends his children to a school with mandated mask-wearing in Houston. Yes, it’s a private school and no, they don’t care about federal legislation, even if it is being introduced by one of their parents.

They found the school’s face covering rules list, which says explicitly, “All persons on campus will be required to have a face covering.”


I mean, he does say it’s about freedom of choice. And freedom of money to send your kids to a school where their physical safety isn’t a pawn some conservative senator is using to bolster his political career.

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*First Published: August 12, 2021, 11:04 am

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