Calling a white woman acting horrible and entitled a “Karen” went from being a kind of inside joke to the new culture war. Maybe it was the first time that white women realized people were making fun of them, or something, but a whole lot of them are wigging out even more over the word. Especially the women actually named Karen.
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Honestly, if you don’t think you’re being a “Karen” then move on with your life and mind your business. The actual Karens of the world can’t do that though and are busy making even bigger fools of themselves on the Internet.
Twitter user Chris Evans, or @chris_notcapn, posted a screenshot that appears to be from a woman’s account in which she is sharing a meme about the nickname.
“Yes. The K-word is stronger than the n-word, at least currently. Misogyny and patriarchy has been around longer than slavery. Just don’t use either, okay?” she writes.
Then the meme itself says, “Dear Millennials, Stop saying Karen. ‘Karen’ is a sexist and racist term equivalent to the n-word for white women. Calling a woman ‘Karen’ is an attempt to get rid of women’s right to stand up for themselves.”
For the record, no, Karen is not worse than the n-word or even comparable, so this is a really inappropriate comparison to make. But at least the screenshot stirred up a conversation about how demented this take is:
It seems like the woman has deleted her account, so we won’t get to know if she’s adjusted her thinking. I’m guessing not.
*First Published: August 1, 2021, 8:08 am