Vehicle Pumps Black Exhaust Fumes Into Whataburger In Texas Prank Caught On Video

roll coal whataburger


October 18, 2021, 9:50 am

A prank captured and uploaded to TikTok isn’t going over very well with viewers.

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@jaysonmanzanares0 posted a video he took at Whataburger, where a slew of high schoolers was gathered, essentially taking over the popular fast food joint.

As he records, someone opens the door to the building, an engine is revved outside, and black exhaust rolls in from the parking lot, infiltrating the dining room to the point of people having to clear the area.


“Only in Texas,” Jayson captioned the video.

As the Daily Dot points out, this is referred to as “rolling coal,” where someone “[modifies] a diesel truck to increase the amount of fuel pumped into the engine, resulting in uncombusted diesel fuel being pumped into the air and darkening the appearance of the exhaust.”

With it being so close to Halloween, some viewers commented on the creepy factor of the black exhaust floating into the building.

“I had thought was death coming in or a demon,” said @jaydeehernandez2.

“Bruh I thought a spirit opened the door and walked in,” agreed @jorgiejorge_.

Another user shared that they “thought this was the black smoke from Lost.”

But others weren’t so amused. This kind of thing is already vaguely annoying while outdoors, but to purposely pump exhaust indoors as a joke — and into a privately owned business at that — is next level.

“Not funny at all,” wrote @filbbertygibbits. “Should have license suspended and possibly jail time. Plus destruction of property to the restaurant.”

“All fun [and] games till the kid with asthma has a asthma attack,” @native_texan1821 pointed out.


“Literally if this was done in a parking lot I could care less but in someone’s business nah that’s wrong I’d sue,” said @evan_nix23.

Another viewer from the Houston area, where this is believed to have taken place, said they stopped at a Whataburger that night filled with teens in pink shirts and immediately turned around because they didn’t want to deal with that — and if it was the same one, they certainly managed to avoid more than just obnoxious crowds.

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*First Published: October 18, 2021, 9:50 am

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