A Walmart shopper in Nebraska who got called out for his racist behavior doubled down, calling upon his past as a firefighter and his age as reasons everyone should respect him and leave him to his racist rantings.
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According to the woman who recorded the man’s tantrum, he initially berated a Walmart employee who didn’t speak English, “yelling at her for not being American.” The TikToker, @kaysmiles78, says she got in between them and confronted him for his aggressive and racist attitude.
The two are already in the middle of arguing when the first video begins, and it doesn’t take long to see just how much of a tool the man is. When @kaysmiles78 tries to ask why he thinks he has the right to talk to anyone the way he talked to the employee, he cuts her off and tells her to respect her elders.
“When you’re in America, you better learn our language,” he says, referencing the employee.
Not long after, he insists he can say whatever he wants because of the “first amendment,” which he apparently doesn’t think extends to people speaking in a language other than English.
Throughout the seven-minute confrontation, the man appears to claim he has the right to be racist because firefighters died during 9/11 in New York City, repeatedly announces that he is a retired Los Angeles firefighter, screams and curses at assorted people in the vicinity, and tells the woman recording to go to church because she “needs some prayers.”
Several Walmart employees showed up eventually to try to diffuse the situation after the man started yelling, but they seemed more interested in getting @kaysmiles78 to stop recording than in getting the aggressive racist out of their store.
“Walmart protects the offenders every time never the victims,” one TikToker commented.
The man’s ramblings were so disconnected from reality that the responses wound up equally all over the place, as everyone tried to follow his train of thought from 9/11 to his claim that not being able to speak the same language in Los Angeles somehow means people die, among the rest of his nonsense.
But the overwhelming sentiment was that all of this would have stopped a lot sooner if he and others like him could grasp the fact that the United States does not have an official language on the federal level, and there is absolutely no requirement for everyone to speak English.
*First Published: August 4, 2021, 7:31 am