A woman took to TikTok to show a guy at a bar ‘mansplaining‘ how the law works—on the day that she took the bar exam.
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The video comes from TikToker chatty_kathy8, who has garnered nearly 850,000 views in just two days for sharing this moment with the platform.
It starts with a caption read by the automated text reader, “Watch this man who’s never been to law school mansplain how the law works to me the day I took the bar exam.”
In the conversation, which appears to take place in a noisy and mask-free bar, the man appears to be discussing finer points of the law with her. Though it’s hard to make out what he’s saying, her perplexed expression when the video cuts back to her speaks volumes, and she can be heard saying at the end of the clip, “Is there a jury, though?”
She characterized the mansplainer’s whole vibe in her caption as “Yeah, I could’ve gone to law school but business was the better move for me.”
She was amazed that the video blew up, and when she saw someone in her mentions write, “Did you listen or where (sic) you just hostile?” she knew she had to respond.
In a follow-up video, in which she’s holding a coffee mug that reads “Please do not confuse your Google search with my law degree,” she addresses the comment in a statement that acknowledges her surprise at the reaction, given that by her own admission, she doesn’t make popular TikToks.
“But I just want to say to people commenting stuff like this, or defending the man, telling me I just should have sat and listened to him because he was just trying to be nice, or just otherwise trolling, thank you so much for that.”
“Today is my birthday, and I woke up to my tic tock, blowing up, and I’m a Leo. And we thrive off of attention so you have given me the best birthday gift. I could have ever asked for.”
So, thank you so, so much, and also thank you for proving my point,” she added. “Maybe go take a walk. Drink some water, chill out a bit.”
*First Published: August 10, 2021, 6:05 am