Fox Correspondent: Kyle Rittenhouse Is ‘Not A Hero Here’

Fox News via @justinbaragona/Twitter

November 23, 2021, 7:21 am

While the majority of prominent right-wing figures in the United States may be celebrating the acquittal of a teen who shot and killed two protestors, at least one is taking a slightly different stance.

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During an on-air conversation with other Fox personalities on Monday centering around the claim of liberal media bias against Kyle Rittenhouse, correspondent Gillian Turner lamented that it was hard for “facts to break through all the emotion” leading up to the trial.

Turner continued: “This case is particularly tragic because Kyle may have been acquitted, but he’s not a hero here. There are no heroes and there are no winners. There is no victory lap for Kyle or anybody else to take.”

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That hasn’t stopped most Republicans from acting like a killer going free is actually a win for the country, and for conservatism. 

Rittenhouse has met with Tucker Carlson on air, been tentatively offered an internship with Matt Gaetz (assuming he stays out of prison himself), and been publicly praised by just about every prominent rightwing figure. Many expect book deals and a seat at the political table are next up in Rittenhouse’s future, while people on the other side of the political spectrum still believe he should be behind bars.

And after her colleagues quietly listened to her insist Rittenhouse is “not a hero,” dour looks on their faces, Turner continued with an additional warning:

“We, the American people, are left yet again with death and destruction, the threat of more protests, more riots; it seems like yet again America is on this kind of razor-thin knife’s edge and everything is flammable and could go pear-shaped in an instant,” she said.

Although Turner doesn’t seem quite as ready as her peers to congratulate Rittenhouse for killing protestors, she did take part in claiming liberal media was biased against the teen over the past year.

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“Two of the most persistent, incorrect facts that have created this media landscape are the fact that he traveled across state lines with the firearm, which he did not. Also, that he shot Black men, which he did not,” she said. According to The Daily Beast, there is no record of the latter being claimed by any major U.S. media outlets. However, Rittenhouse reportedly had a friend in Kenosha buy him the gun and keep it at his house, as he was underage.

It’s worth pointing out that this conversation about media bias played out over footage of Rittenhouse crying in court. 

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*First Published: November 23, 2021, 7:21 am

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