Woman Gets Arrested For Whipping Out A Gun Over A Parking Spot


December 4, 2021, 11:30 am

Corpus Christi woman Rossie Dennis was arrested on Tuesday, November 30, by the Corpus Christi Police Department, My San Antonio reports, and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The 60-year-old pulled a gun in an H-E-B grocery store parking lot in the Annaville neighborhood in Corpus Christi, pointing it at a mom with her six-month-old daughter in the car.

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Dennis apparently believed the woman had parked in “her” parking spot. Images from a video of the veent were posted on Reddit, gaining widespread attention on the platform on subreddit r/Texas.

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The video was taken by the woman in the vehicle and she handed over to investigators who used it to get a warrant for Dennis’s arrest. She was transferred to the City Detention Center and had a bond set for $60,000. CCPD has not confirmed that the people in the car were a woman and a six-month-old child, as the Reddit post claimed.

As some commenters on Reddit pointed out, the action she took on camera led to charges against Dennis that would be a felony, if she is convicted, meaning she could no longer legally own or carry a gun again. One Redditor shared a personal story about someone pulling a gun on them in Austin.

“If it makes anyone feel better, I had a guy in Austin brandish a handgun and point it at me while driving,” snaffonious wrote. “I called the police, he got pulled over and arrested. It’s been 2 years and he’s still dealing with the court system for it, and they’re pushing for rehabilitation through counseling and probation, also obviously the loss of the privilege to carry. Texas may have lax gun laws but they’re serious when it comes to misuse of those weapons.”

Over a parking spot dispute is definitely a “misuse.”

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*First Published: December 4, 2021, 11:30 am

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