Women React To Rep. Cawthorn’s ‘Disturbing’ Anti-Choice Speech Calling Abortion ‘Genocide’

madison cawthorn abortion

Photo via C-SPAN

December 3, 2021, 2:51 pm

If you’re a woman who enjoys being dehumanized, then the following video might be for you. In a statement on the House floor in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade and paving the way for total abortion bans across all red states in the nation, Representative Madison Cawthorn said this is all a good idea because women are no more than “earthen vessels, sanctified by Almighty God.”

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The video originally posted by Cawthorn begins with him presenting a terrible analogy to abortion, comparing it to another person taking a Polaroid photo from someone and tearing it up, saying it’s okay because it wasn’t developed yet. This metaphor would only work if the person who took the photo was the one to tear it up, as it’s legal exactly nowhere to force another person to have an abortion.

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Somehow, it only got worse from there, starting with Cawthorn calling abortion “genocide.”

“Madame Speaker, a silent genocide has slipped beneath the conscience of America,” he pontificated. “Precious works of our creator formed and set apart meet death before they breathe life. Eternal souls, woven into earthen vessels, sanctified by Almighty God, and endowed with the miracle of life are denied their birth by a nation born of freedom. God’s breath of life blown away by the breath of man.”

Fact check: People who can get pregnant are not earthen vessels, sanctified or otherwise, but are human beings with an inherent right to bodily autonomy just like anybody else. Cawthorn, being a far-right bigot, would never acknowledge that it’s not just women who can become pregnant, which only further cements the deep misogyny of this statement.

It’s also a simple fact that the Bible forbids Christians from assuming to know God’s plan, which could easily include abortion, especially since Jesus never said a word on the subject and abortion was common and fairly accepted among many Christians for centuries before Republicans came along. Even Catholics long believed that a fetus doesn’t gain a soul until the “quickening,” or the first time a pregnant person feels it move inside them.

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The rest of Cawthorn’s speech was little more than vague poetry meant to evoke an emotional reaction.

“This cruel and fallen world may seem too filthy for their very presence, but these precious temples are crafted in the image of God himself. One day, perhaps when science darkens the soul of the left, our nation will repent. But until then the carnage of this unconscionable deed will stain the fabric of our nation. I hope that the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. I hope that we stop the genocide of abortion in this country.”

It sure would be nice if Republicans could figure out that some of those fetuses became women who you might think of as worthy of protecting, especially considering the fact that the U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate among wealthy nations, particularly among Black women. Until that time that will never come, we’ll simply have to hate on Madison Cawthorn and his desire for a Christian theocracy.

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*First Published: December 3, 2021, 2:51 pm

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