Photo via James Gathany, USCDCP/PIXNIO, u/Routine_Junket1040/Reddit
February 23, 2022, 12:26 pm
A year-old entry in Reddit’s famed “Am I The A–hole” forum has resurfaced, gaining renewed attention for describing an infuriating family situation that had one young woman so fed up, she wanted to sell the whole house to get away from them, even if it meant her family members would be evicted. Selling the house would have been a big deal regardless, as OP reported that the value of the house at the time was $2.5 million, located in the heart of London, and had been in the family for over 100 years.
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However, when you read about what pushed the 19-year-old homeowner to this point, you might understand her point of view.
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The post, which was written by the OP in a hurry on the way to work, so please excuse her grammar, explains that she inherited the house and much of her father’s estate after he died, to the annoyance of her mother, who only got $10,000. However, the Redditor was perfectly content to let her mom live in the house rent-free and act like she owns the place.
The trouble started when her brother and sister-in-law moved in, without any input from the woman who actually owned the house. Then they refused to move when the sister-in-law became pregnant.
“They’re messy entitled and rude I told them in July I want them out by September because they don’t pay for anything nor wash a dish,” she wrote. “In August they announced they were pregnant and my sil smugly said ‘guess we won’t be moving out now’ It didn’t go down well but when I told them I wanted them out my mom and brother basically laughed in my face.”
That kind of treatment would be enough to infuriate anyone, but according to the OP, it only got worse as her pregnant sister-in-law began eating everything in sight and claiming she had no control over it.
“Well here were I maybe the asshole Because my sil is pregnant she eats everything she sees like the cupcakes my friend made me for my birthday she ate all six didn’t even get to try them,” she continued. “I can’t even make my lunch the night before because when I go to get it, it will be gone she’ll have a smug look on her face while rubbing her belly than laugh and say ‘I couldn’t help my self blame the baby.’”
Shout out to all the pregnant people who have restrained themselves from eating everyone else’s food all the time because being pregnant doesn’t actually override your whole free will or make you immune to consequences. To make things worse, the Redditor couldn’t even keep her own food in a mini fridge in her locked bedroom because her mother would unlock it for her sister-in-law to steal anything she wanted.
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It’s not surprising that the OP soon reached her breaking point.
“Well a week ago I was running late to collage I didn’t have time for my breakfast or to make lunch and I had to go to work straight after so all I had that day was a bar of chocolate when I got home I was starving I made myself dinner while it was cooling down I went to use the bathroom.”
“I must of been in there 10 minutes at most by the time I came out she had 70% of my dinner ate and I literally lost my s–t of course she started crying my mom and brother started screaming at me for making her cry making excuses like how she couldn’t help it and it was my fault for leaving food around her.”
That was when the Redditor remembered the offer her uncle had made to buy the family home from her. He was offering $100,000 under the estimated value of the house, but selling to him meant that it would remain in the family. Of course, announcing that she was considering selling to the uncle, who said that he would evict her mother and siblings, didn’t go over well.
She further explained that she doesn’t want to evict them herself because she would feel bad about potentially splitting up her brother and sister-in-law and because her mom told her “because of my age I wouldn’t be taken seriously if I tried.” This is likely not true and just another manipulation from an entitled parent.
You probably won’t be surprised to hear that Reddit has declared the OP to not be the a–hole in this situation, with commenters supporting her for standing up for herself and offering advice.
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*First Published: February 23, 2022, 12:26 pm