February 19, 2022, 10:02 am
Like many single people, Twitter user Colleen is doing her best to try and put herself out there and meet new people. She may never do that again, but at least her worst failure has inspired a viral tweet. She posted a screenshot of a short conversation she had with guy over text who she met on Hinge.
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“I literally can not take online dating anymore how is a guy going to be insane about a Starbucks date ?????” she wrote in the caption.
In the image, Colleen innocently says hi to the guy, name of Matt. She then suggests they go get Starbucks for a first meet up. The thing is, Matt doesn’t want to go to Starbucks, but instead of suggesting somewhere else, he decides to be a total d-ckhead about it.
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“Starbucks?” he asks, before sending a suggested string of ellipses.
“Yeah I’m not sure this is going to work,” Matt continued. “You seem nice and all, but I have standards—and obviously you don’t. I’m trying to build a vision and works towards the finer things in life, and that starts with people on my same wavelength. Starbucks just f-cks up the vibe.”
Wow. This guy seems so cool.

What’s even wilder than this response is that there were actually dudes defending it in the comments. While it’s perfectly reasonable not to want to go to Starbucks —and within everyone’s rights to turn down a date— Colleen’s reasons for suggesting it probably have nothing to do with loving Starbucks or having bad vibes. She even explained her reasoning in the comments, saying it’s affordable, easy to talk in, and a low-pressure way to see if you are into someone.
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Women were able to understand very well why Colleen suggested it, knowing it’s important to find a safe, public place when meeting a stranger off the internet. A bunch of them also guessed that if she’d suggested a high-end restaurant or something, Colleen would have been accused of being a “gold digger.”
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Eventually, Matt from Hinge saw his own comments on Twitter, so he probably understands both sides of the argument now.
But I doubt that changed his perspective. That’s just his vibe.
*First Published: February 19, 2022, 10:02 am