With COVID cases on the decline and vaccinations available to most people who are willing to get them, North American companies have gradually started requiring rank and file employees to come into the office yet again.
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Does that mean it’s safe for everyone? No. Is everyone thrilled to return to the office when remote work sometimes turned out to be a better option? Definitely not. People got more time with their family, friends, and pets, or even just more time to themselves, when they didn’t have to deal with commuting or arbitrary hours that didn’t increase productivity. And yes, for some jobs and for some people, returning to the office is the better option, but that doesn’t necessarily make it easy.
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And a property company that owns office buildings in Toronto apparently exacerbated it when they posted signs in the lobby reminding people just how much they would rather be at home.
“Miss your sweatpants yet?” reads one. Another goes straight for the heart, saying, “Bet your dog’s missing you,” alongside a photo of the saddest dog you’ve ever seen.

The response across social media was…not positive. To the point that Oxford Properties, which owns the building in question, had to release a statement acknowledging the massive misfire and say that they actually already took the signs down due to backlash before they even went viral.
“Unfortunately, in an attempt to be lighthearted the signage came off as uncaring, which was never our intention,” they told blogTO.
Twitter had a field day roasting them all the same. Here are some of the best:

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*First Published: March 8, 2022, 9:07 am