Ukrainian Women Deliver Ferocious Message To Russian Invaders On International Women’s Day

As many Ukrainians evacuate their country in hopes of finding safety out of Russia’s reach, many have also opted to stay behind and fight — even more than those who are required to do so. And the women defending Ukraine have a message for the invaders.

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A video released just ahead of International Women’s Day appears to show a group of women dressed for a fight and addressing the Russian military directly.

“We are women of Ukraine,” the woman in front says to the camera, according to an English translation overlaying the video. “We have blessed our men to protect our land. We have already taken our children to safety. The genetic fund of our nation is reliably protected. 

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“We join the men and the Ukrainian army. We will destroy the enemy on every inch of Ukrainian land — in every city, every village, forest, and field. For every child, woman old man, ruined house, street, even barn, we will shoot you like rabid dogs. Glory to Ukraine!” 

“Death to enemies!” the remaining women respond.

Women only make up an estimated 10% of the official Ukrainian armed forces, and have only been allowed to do so since 2016.

But videos of their courage in the face of war have spread freely since the start of the invasion, from the older woman approaching soldiers with sunflower seeds to Anastasiia Yalanskaya delivering food to a dog shelter before being shot to death.

And the video of these women and their message for the invading army has sparked encouragement and applause from those of us watching at a distance.

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Not much else may be known about these brave women, but people from around the world are wishing them well.

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*First Published: March 8, 2022, 6:30 am

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