Photo via @RightWingWatch/Twitter
March 31, 2022, 11:29 am
Those who haven’t blocked the previous two years out of their heads might remember the launching of the “Reopen America” tour, put on by right-wing conspiracy theorist Clay Clark and hosted by folks like far-right pastor Rodney Howard-Browne and pillow mogul Mike Lindell. Now that the vast majority of the country has reopened, continuing pandemic or no continuing pandemic, it has apparently been rebranded as the “ReAwaken America” tour, and is every bit as unhinged as it was before.
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Video clips of one of Clark’s speeches have gone viral after being posted on Twitter by Right Wing Watch, showing the business consultant going on a rant about people being concerned about COVID-19 and claiming he didn’t miss work when his dad died.
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“So when I started into my research, I remember the first client calls me, ‘are you going to meet this week with COVID?’ YES!” Clark shouted. “I’m going to meet every week! I am 41 years old. I have not had a sick day in 23 years. I don’t call in sick, I don’t call in gay, I don’t call in gender-confused.”
Why does this suddenly have anything to do with gay and/or transgender people? Not even God knows.
Then it got sad.
“I don’t – when my dad died of Lou Gherig’s Disease, I had some barbecue and went back to work, because that is what a man does. I am an alpha toxic male to the next level. I like it.”
Fellas, is it gay to mourn your dead father?
If you thought that was next-level absurdity, the video clip below that one starts right into the depths of the wackiest book of the Bible as Clark accuses the COVID-19 virus of being the Antichrist, and also Google, what is happening?
“The word ‘corona’ equals 666,” he says, and he’s just getting started. “So, if you go to Google real quick … and you search for the Google Chrome logo, the Google Chrome logo under, remember you all know Harari is now the prophet of Silicon Valley, under his leadership they changed the logo to be 666.”
It doesn’t start making any more sense from there as Clark rambles on about some bit of COVID-related legislation, HR 6666, which you should know has a lot of the number six in it. He also repeats like line that the “Google Chrome logo is 666” several more times, because if you repeat a lie over and over, people will begin to think it’s true.
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He also seems to think that the search engine is responsible for all the content that can possibly be found on it, so apparently his tour is also the work of Satan, because we found its details by searching for it with Google. He also clearly doesn’t understand the difference between a search engine and a web browser.
“Next time you use Google, just know you’re using Satan’s filter,” Clark concludes. “Seriously!”
“You’re using Satan’s tool every time you use Google.”
It’s not easy to stand out as someone making bonkers statements on the internet these days, but Clark has managed it this week.
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*First Published: March 31, 2022, 11:29 am