If you missed it last week while being too concerned about war, climate change, pestilence, and so forth, Bloomberg economists have announced that you should add another $5,200 to your budget this year to account for the rising costs of pretty much everything. They did not mention where exactly the average American is supposed to find that money as they continue to work long hours for stagnating wages as companies claim they just don’t have the money to give you a decent raise.
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Except, whoops, those same corporations are bragging about making record profits again, this time doing so well that the record-breaking goes all the way back to 1950, when the U.S. was still reaping the windfall from emerging as a world power after WWII.
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The viral headline comes from an Insider article on the Bloomberg report, which explains that due to inflation which may or may not actually affect the prices that corporations pay to make and distribute products, we can expect to shell out an extra $433 every month this year. This is expected to deal a blow to the stronger position in the labor market that workers have enjoyed recently, forcing more people back into garbage jobs they don’t want.
“Accelerated depletion of savings will increase the urgency for those staying on the sidelines to join the labor force, and the resulting increase in labor supply will likely dampen wage growth,” Bloomberg reported.
While the articles assure us that people saving extra money during the pandemic should offset these costs, a lot of people are wondering what savings they’re even talking about. It seems that a lot of Americans are tired of having ever more of their paychecks siphoned off for record corporation and billionaire profits year after year based on various excuses.
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*First Published: April 4, 2022, 10:25 am