25 Responses To The Family Research Council Saying The Bible Is Pro-Life

Jason Selvig quote tweet mocking the Family Research Center for calling the Bible pro-life

Photo via @jasonselvig/Twitter

December 16, 2021, 2:02 pm*

An exchange between the Family Research Council, the far-right Christian supremacist group that got itself listed as a homophobic hate group in 2010 by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and comedian Jason Selvig has made its way to Reddit’s famed Murdered by Words forum. In the wake of certain Supreme Court decisions and indications from the majority conservative judges pretty much sealing the fate for federal abortion rights protections in the U.S., people are loving the response to the FRC’s assertion that the Christian Bible is “pro-life.”

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The hate group tweeted out this idea back in early September, and Selvig’s response sparked a whole list of similar ones from Reddit and Twitter commenters alike.

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“The Bible is ardently and unequivocally pro-life,” the FRC wrote.

“God killed everyone on earth so a guy could start a zoo boat,” Selvig replied.

Selvig is of course referring to the well-known story of Noah’s Ark in which the Bible character is told by God to build a really big boat because he’s going to murder everyone on the planet who isn’t Noah or related to Noah via a worldwide flood. This is not, however, even close to the only example of massive levels of violence in the Bible, committed either by God or by people supposedly chosen by God, or those who are supposedly God’s enemies, and really everyone.

There’s a lot of murder in the Bible.

These easily verifiable facts had a lot of people laughing about the idea that a religion rooted in so much blood, much of it spilled by the very God Christians worship, is in any way “pro-life.” Specifically in terms of abortion, Christians often argue that vague, over-translated passages very much subject to interpretation means that Jesus always hated the practice. In reality, Jesus said nothing about abortion and the practice was widespread among Christians for many centuries, with Catholics believing that fetuses don’t have souls until it first moves in the womb, and the Bible arguably contains instructions on how to perform one.

For these reasons, there is now many lists worth of jokes and/or mentions of some of the most messed up parts of the book, of which some are here:

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*First Published: December 16, 2021, 1:58 pm

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