November 17, 2020, 12:24 pm
Even as the presidency is changing hands (in spite of Trump’s resistance), the U.S. mask culture war rages on in the senate as Ted Cruz pouts over a presiding senator telling his colleagues to wear masks. The coronavirus pandemic is currently rated as being in “uncontrolled spread” in nearly every state in the nation and over 130 Secret Service agents, or 10 percent of their numbers, are isolating from testing positive or being exposed to COVID-19.
Regardless, Ted Cruz continues to refuse to understand the concept that wearing a mask and social distancing at the same time is extra safe during a time when extra precautions are needed.
“This is idiotic,” Cruz tweeted. “@SherrodBrown is being a complete a–. He wears a mask to speak—when nobody is remotely near him—as an ostentatious sign of fake virtue. @DanSullivan_AK was over 50 feet away, presiding. Last I checked 50 feet is more than 6 feet.”
While Cruz did manage to get one thing right — 50 is more than six — the CDC and many other infectious disease experts have stressed that wearing a mask is the most important part of slowing the spread of the virus. Additionally, the six-foot rule is much less effective in an enclosed space, making the combined efforts of distancing and wearing a mask that much more important.
Many have also noted that while the senators were far apart, there were others much closer to the maskless Senator Dan Sullivan as he refused to put on a mask.
“I don’t wear a mask when I’m speaking like most senators,” Sullivan said to Brown while a blonde woman appears to tell him something less than six feet away from him. “I don’t need your instruction.”
Senator Brown was also not randomly asking a Republican to wear a mask for show. According to The Hill, Brown has made a habit of asking his fellow senators to wear masks inside the building since the beginning of the pandemic. Maybe there’s something else going on that is making Ted Cruz feel a bit sensitive and cranky right now?
Regardless, commenters on Twitter are suspicious that Cruz would know real virtue if it bit him in the a–.
“When you don’t know what real virtue is, all virtue seems fake,” one user replied to Cruz. “Just like when you can no longer discern truth from lies, everything you don’t like becomes fake as well.”
*First Published: November 17, 2020, 12:24 pm