January 27, 2021, 12:56 pm
Warning: The videos of the incident are graphic.
A shocking video from a Florida high school, showing a male police officer slamming a female high school student headfirst en route to subduing her, is raising new concerns for some about police brutality.
The video, which was uploaded to YouTube and on an Orlando news channel’s website, has been circulating through social media channels.
According to Orlando’s News 6, which reported the story, the incident took place at Liberty High School in Kissimmee, Florida. The video shows a police officer slamming the student onto the concrete walkway and then placing her in handcuffs while another officer stands over them. The female student was not moving after being body slammed.
The News 6 report carried a description of the incident from the Osceola County Sheriff’s Department, which stated:
Today the sheriff’s office received information from school officials at Liberty High School about a video posted on social media depicting one of our School Resource Officers in a confrontation with a student. The incident appeared to take place between classes in the hallway. In the video, it shows the deputy taking the student to the ground and placing handcuffs on her.
Our office is in the initial stages of our investigation. We are collecting video, witness statements, and relevant information related to the incident.
We know that the School Resource Officer was in the process of trying to stop the student from fighting another student in the hallway when the deputy took her into custody. Once we receive more information related to the incident, we will provide an updated press release.
As News 6 noted, “The Sheriff’s Office did not release information on the student’s condition, the school resource officer who slammed the student, or the deputy who stood over them.”
Reactions on Twitter were understandably outraged, with Tariq Nasheed commenting, “All that “Black girl magic” talk goes out of the window with Democrats when the white cops start attacking high school girls, don’t it?”
As the Orlando Sentinel reported, the police department’s use of force policy dictates officers use “the minimal amount of force necessary to perform official duties.”
It further states deputies should only use force in certain situations when the person has not responded to verbal commands, including in cases of self-defense, when defending someone or when there is a “credible threat to public safety.”
*First Published: January 27, 2021, 12:56 pm