“Have A Good Life” Trump Tells America Before Walking Off To “YMCA” One Last Time

Donald Trump giving his farewell speech and him and Melania climbing the stairs to the departing plane

Photo via C-SPAN

January 20, 2021, 11:17 am

Donald Trump gave his final presidential speech this morning at the Joint Base Andrews to a crowd of his (mostly maskless) supporters, arriving to the tune of “Don’t Stop Believin” by Journey.


Trump’s aides reportedly wrote him a gracious speech encouraging a peaceful transition of power and containing traditional references to the incoming administration, but the now ex-president threw it out.


Instead, he laid the foundations for taking credit for everything Joe Biden does and ended the speech with big yearbook-signing “have a nice summer” energy.

“I wish the new administration great luck and great success, and I think they’ll have great success,” he said. “They have the foundation to do something really spectacular.”

“You’re going to see some incredible things happening. And remember us when you see these things happening, if you would.”


He also told the crowd that he would be ready to deliver a future “I told you so.”

“I hope they don’t raise your taxes, but if they do, I told you so,” he said.

Trump did manage to largely refrain from again claiming that the election was stolen from him, but made a promise that might send quite a few chills down spines: “We will be back in some form.”

After touting the various things he considered to be accomplishments during his four years as president, he concluded with a line definitely not written by a presidential aide but might be said at the end of a rough family reunion.

“Have a good life. We will see you soon.”

In one final bit of presidential hilarity, Donald and Melania Trump climbed the stairs to a plane that is not Air Force One to the tune of one of his all time favorite songs: YMCA.


And that’s all, folks. No more President Donald Trump. Have a good life.

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*First Published: January 20, 2021, 11:17 am

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