Photo via @LilySimpson1312/Twitter
January 26, 2021, 2:03 pm
Normal Twitter is having a hard time dealing with the revelation that the people behind the “alpha male” and “beta male” fantasy have “discovered” a new type of dude they call the sigma male.
You may have heard of the concept of men being divided into a hierarchy supposedly determined by how much access they have to the ladies, with alpha males on top and gamma and omega men filling out the virgin bottom.
These ideas come from the highly misogynistic “manosphere” corners of the internet where mass shooters who have targeted women are praised as heroes and “incels” blame women for their inability to get any. For years, alphas and well-off betas were considered to be the only ones able to attract the ladies and that if you weren’t born with a square enough jaw or a confident demeanor, you were doomed to dry genitals.

The “sigma male” is apparently exactly like an alpha but is too cool to accept this made-up hierarchy and is, therefore, the best kind of male, like John Wick. Sorry, Keanu Reeves.
A tweet by activist Lily Simpson shows four images outlining the popularity of this new theory, including a photo of an entire book published on the topic claiming that this “what women really want.” Another graphic defines a sigma male as the “Lone Wolf antithesis of the Alpha.”
“Defies placement in the social hierarchy and yet is successful with women,” it reads.
Another shows sigma males as being “equal” to alphas but outside the hierarchy. Perhaps these are simply men who refuse to buy into the bizarre and extremely sexist idea that dudes are defined by whether or not women want to bone them, which would make them by far the most common type of men, rather than the rarest.
In the real world, women, men, and non-binary folk are all asking the same question: Are the people who subscribe to these ideas okay?




*First Published: January 26, 2021, 2:03 pm