“Trump Won:” Harlan Hill Refuses To Eat His Shoe After Failed Election Night Bet


January 29, 2021, 7:14 am

Proving yet again just how deep the delusions of some Trump supporters go, former campaign advisor Harlan Hill has refused to make good on an outstanding bet regarding who would win the 2020 presidential election because he still believes that Donald Trump actually won.


On election night, Hill told a reporter from The Atlantic that he was so confident in Trump’s re-election, that if the former president lost, he would eat his shoe.


“We’ll do it in a live-stream,” Hill said at the time, according to McKay Coppins.

Hill was later among those who believed the Democrats had somehow “stolen” the election from Trump using widespread voter fraud, despite courts rejecting lawsuit after lawsuit pertaining to these claims because there was simply no proof.

“I’m going to Philly tomorrow with a team. This is war,” Hill tweeted on November 4, insinuating — as many Trump supporters did — that counting votes in Philadelphia was somehow unacceptable.

One might think that by now, considering Joe Biden is literally the lawfully sworn in 46th President of the United States, Hill might have conceded Trump’s loss on at least some level. 

But when Mediaite reached out to ask the former advisor how that shoe’s tasting, he responded simply with “Trump won.”


Predictably, the internet isn’t pleased with Hill’s failure to make good on his promise.



While the internet is annoyed with him for a false promise, many are simply using it as an excuse to dunk on Hill — as usual.


Of course, there’s good precedent for having to eat your shoe following the loss of a bet.

After Warner Herzog did it, it’s basically the one type of bet you can’t go back on, and Hill should certainly know that.


And weirdly enough, no matter how many times Trump supporters claim that he won the election? He still lost.

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*First Published: January 29, 2021, 7:14 am

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