Photo via @catchupwithit/Twitter, @RuthlessPodcast/Twitter
February 23, 2021, 11:22 am
After a rather underwhelming photoshoot putting some bottled water in a car following the Cancun vacation scandal, Ted Cruz voiced his anger at his neighbors for leaking the texts that proved his excuses to be lies.
On a recent episode of the conservative news podcast “Ruthless,” he discussed how his wife Heidi has been stalking through their neighbors’ houses like she’s trying to sniff out the leaker.
“I will say, Heidi is pretty pissed at that. She was over at the neighbor’s house yesterday, sort of walking through,” said Ted. “She texted several of our neighbors.”
Cruz is also apparently bitter that some of his neighbors have signs in their yards supporting Beto O’Rourke, who challenged Cruz for his senate seat in 2018, admitting that his neighborhood is home to “a lot of Democrats.”
“Look, our neighbors, we got a number of Republicans who are neighbors but we also have a lot of Democrats, folks on our streets who put up Beto signs, which I thought was a little rude. But, y’know, I didn’t hold a victory party in their front yard when I won.”
You would think he’d be used to being the most universally disliked individual around, but Ted unloaded a bit during the podcast, calling these particular neighbors “nasty” and “a–holes.”
“It’s a sign of how ridiculously politicized and nasty and just … Here’s a suggestion, just don’t be a–holes,” he said. “Just treat each other as human beings.”
Of course, only some human beings have the power to influence the politics that led to the mass blackouts in Texas or get aid to the people shivering in the dark. Also, only some human beings have enough money to be able to jet off to Cancun when it gets so cold in Texas that the natural gas pipelines freeze because you refuse to admit climate change is a problem.
It’s also notable that this particular podcast was launched four days after the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. You know, the podcast called Ruthless? And their cover art is an image of the Supreme Court building. But treat each other as human beings.
Cruz also claimed on Fox News Monday that people are so focused on his Cancun trip because they’re going through “Trump withdrawal” and the big bad media needs someone to target. Ted apparently forgot that while Trump was in office, he was still the second most hated politician in D.C.
Enjoy your crown back, Teddy.
*First Published: February 23, 2021, 11:22 am