Photo via @zoelyons_/TikTok
March 10, 2021, 12:15 pm
An entry in the Reddit “Public Freakout” forum went viral for showing a campus preacher warning a crowd of young college-going men about the dangers of women taking them back to their dorms for sexy times.
The video shows a woman in a long skirt, white vest, and large sunhat speaking to a rapt crowd of the men and cheering when she issues her dire warnings.
“She will take you back to her dorm room,” she warns to excited murmurs from the crowd, “and then her roommate will jump out of the closet naked!”
At this point, the crowd absolutely erupts into cheers and the video cuts to dozens of young men chanting “threesome” over and over.
According to commenters, this woman is a well-known campus preacher who regularly comes around to rant about the evils of premarital sex to a bunch of men who likely came to college primarily for that purpose.
One Reddit user suggested that the location was Texas Tech University in Lubbock, where the student-run newspaper has reported on campus preachers Sister Cindy and husband Brother Jed. Cindy in particular also enjoys wearing long skirts and yelling and young people.
A YouTube video of Sister Cindy also shows her in the same kind of sunhat and piercing voice, warning the young ladies that college boys have “diseased penises.”
Preachers like this are a common feature on college campuses, where Christians look for vulnerable young people to seduce into their religion. Opinions on these folks are fairly split, with some not appreciating being yelled at and called sinners when they’re just trying to make it to class on time for once and others enjoying the opportunity for entertainment.
“The kids at my college loved our most famous campus preacher,” wrote one Reddit commenter. “They thought he was hilarious!”
“Ah yes let me shove my own beliefs down peoples throats and then question why nobody agrees,” said another.
Others have warned that people like this woman don’t preach in order to convert but to try and bait students into anything that could be interpreted as assault in order to sue the college.
“They are NOT trying to convert people into Christians. THEIR SOLE GOAL IS TO GET HIT or spit on or just ‘assaulted’ so they have the right to sue the school. They literally go from school to school scamming schools. I go to UK and see them at least 3 times of year and once in a while, a student spits or hits one and they instantly pack up and leave.”
Remember kids: Stick to chanting “threesome” at campus preachers.
*First Published: March 10, 2021, 12:15 pm