Photo via FreedomNewsTV/YouTube
March 10, 2021, 11:17 am
Donald Trump finally returned to his hometown on Sunday to a stark lack of the kind of fanfare he became accustomed to when he was president. According to reports, there was but one single fan on the scene that night as Trump’s motorcade drove through the cleared streets and he gave a sad little wave out the window at the one guy who could be heard cheering.
Trump has avoided New York like the plague he failed to do anything to stop since becoming president, mostly because the majority of the city seems to hate him more than anti-maskers on the subway. It’s unclear why he decided to finally return to his New York Trump Tower on Sunday, but there is speculation that it involves one of several probes into his business dealings now that prosecutors have their hands on his full tax returns.
Trump officially become a Florida man in 2019 after he changed his residence to his golf resort Mar-a-Lago, even though his neighbors there don’t want him either.
In the video of his nighttime return, one single guy can be seen waving to Trump’s SUV, with the rest of the people in the shot appearing to be either police or hotel staff.
“President Trump, what’s up bro?” the lone fan shouts. “Woo hoo!”
The rest of the video is eerily quiet.
By Monday, some Trump supporters did gather outside of the hotel, but there were also plenty of people there to protest his presence in New York and demand that he be arrested for any of his various alleged crimes. One individual reportedly stood in front of his hotel with a sign reading “Florida man go home.”
Trump did in fact return to Florida on Tuesday.
After the sad video finally caught some public attention, Trump critics jumped on the opportunity to celebrate the lack of fanfare for their least favorite person.
*First Published: March 10, 2021, 11:17 am