QAnon Thinks That The Trump Call Touting The COVID Vaccine As Safe Was A Fake

Donald Trump and a man in a QAnon shirt at a Trump rally

Photo via Michael Vadon/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0), Marc Nozell/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

March 18, 2021, 1:58 pm

Fans of Donald Trump were largely devastated by the Fox News interview on Tuesday in which he praised the COVID-19 vaccine as both safe and effective. Some even accused him of having been gotten to by the “deep state” and called him “a liberal New Yorker.”

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“I would recommend it, and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it,” he said about the vaccine. “And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.”


“But again, we have our freedoms and we have to live by them and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine and it is something that works.”

The anti-vaccine QAnon community is coping with this seeming betrayal in the usual manner — by coming up with a wild conspiracy theory. The idea is spreading among popular QAnon message boards and chat groups that the Donald Trump we thought we heard on the phone with Fox News was a fake.


“Hi guys, I listened to it again,” wrote Mary Cue on Telegram according to Newsweek, “how he greeted Maria [Bartiromo] and how he spoke to her! That wasn’t him.”

“I saw and heard a lot of interviews between him and Maria that wasn’t like he speaks to her normally and it wasn’t his voice at all…Me and some other people noticed this immediately.”

Another popular QAnon figure, known as Ghost Ezra and with over 250,000 subscribers on Telegram, echoed these sentiments.

“My first take on the interview is that it didn’t sound like Trump,” they said.

Katherine Proudfoot also agreed that the man on the phone didn’t sound quite like Trump, though admitted that the fake “was very good at imitating him though.”


This theory has trouble holding water, of course, considering the fact that this is far from the first time Trump has praised COVID vaccines and encouraged his fans to get one. It was also recently revealed that he and Melania secretly received an early version of the vaccine before they left the White House in January.

Others instead went back to their typical theories about Trump speaking in code, speculating that when he says “vaccine,” he really means “arrests of Democrat cabal pedophiles” or whatever.




“Operation Warp Speed = administering vaccine (arrests) to Pedo Vampires,” wrote one Telegram user.

Others, however, are still confused as to why he would risk speaking in code like this when nobody seems to know for sure what the code is. Some even expressed their frustration over all the code and secrecy, getting impatient for their prophesized, so-called “storm” of arrests expected to bring about a glorious new age of Trump.

“Why doesn’t Trump and the military just simply announce what is going on?!?! What is the point with keeping all the so-called secrets?” wrote Rob Rock. “Why push a vaccine if the pandemic is a ‘hoax’?!? This narrative doesn’t make sense. We’re getting punked.”

You sure are, Rob.

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*First Published: March 18, 2021, 1:58 pm

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