Vancouver Woman Recorded Man Stalking Her Through The City

A Vancouver woman recorded her terrifying experience being stalked through the city by a strange man, which stopped only when she was able to link up with strangers at a skate park.

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Jamie Coutts says a random man followed her for over 30 minutes after she made a quick trip to the store last week.


“On my way home I felt someone walking less than two feet behind me,” she wrote on Instagram. “I quickly stepped off the sidewalk to let the person pass, instead of passing they just stopped and stared at me. I then said you’re walking too closely to me. He still didn’t say anything so I continued to walk. With him still following behind me, but now more like 5 feet.”

Coutts did the only thing she could think to do at the time, which was to put her camera on selfie mode and record herself walking, with the creep in the background to make sure she knew he was still trailing her.

She says she recorded him for 10 minutes, and ultimately uploaded several minutes of that footage to her Instagram.

On busy streets and on empty ones, it’s obvious from early on in the videos that the man is following Coutts. She eventually reaches a skate park, where she stops and speaks with some random people.


“Hey, do you mind if I sit with you guys?” she asks, as her stalker literally just stands feet away from her, waiting. “This guy’s literally been following me in circles for like 40 minutes and I’ve been recording it.”

The group immediately acquiesces and tells Coutts to sit down as they engage her in conversation.

A lengthier bit of footage shows that the man waited around for a while as Coutts spoke with the people at the skate park but eventually retreated as other people started looking at him and one followed him until he left the area. According to the police, she called them not long after.


That the man was clearly bold enough to be stalking a woman through the city in broad daylight, after being confronted, after knowing he was being recorded, and even after he had to stop and watch her talk to people is terrifying.

But it may not have been the only time this particular man has done this.

Since Coutts’ video went viral, others have come forward claiming they recognize this man as someone who followed them around Vancouver as well.


Vancouver police have said a man they arrested on Friday morning for assault is now a person of interest in this investigation as well. 

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*First Published: March 21, 2021, 8:26 am

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