Anyone who has been subjected to watching clips of Fox News while disagreeing with the majority of what is said has, at some point, wished that someone on air would push back at the misinformation and conspiracy theories that run rampant on the network.
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Liberal commentator Christopher Hahn opted to be that person in a pretty explosive clip.
Hahn joined Mercedes Schlapp and Gillian Turner on Tuesday to discuss the possibility of a “vaccine passport” of some sort entering into common usage—a hot-button topic at the moment as a good number of Republicans are still unwilling to get vaccinated for COVID at all.
One of the wilder arguments against the implementation of a vaccine passport from the right is that if Democrats are pushing against requiring ID for voter registration, then there shouldn’t be any sort of proof of vaccine required for anything, either.
Taken at face value, this argument fails because the thought process behind not requiring IDs is that they can be difficult to obtain, whereas everyone who gets vaccinated will be given a card automatically. Of course, realistically the two are not related in any way whatsoever, and this is ultimately just another way for Fox News pundits to list off various things they and their viewers dislike.
Schlepp brought this irrelevant argument up all the same, denouncing the “illogical mentality of the left.”
But Hahn wasn’t standing for it, subsequently launching into a tirade against false information being pushed by Fox News and Republicans surrounding not just the possibility of a vaccine passport, but everything related to COVID over the past year, including the vaccine itself.
“People like Tucker Carlson, like Jim Jordan, like Mercedes right here now…trying to convince people that the government is somehow watching you. That is very irresponsible,” he said. “It is the private sector that wants to make sure that people coming into their venues are vaccinated so that their patrons can be safe from COVID-19.
“It is time for conservatives in this country to acknowledge we have a crisis and start joining the fight to end it, and stop spreading lies about what’s going on in this country. It is devastating this country.”
Schlepp lost her mind trying to talk over him, irate that he would dare call Tucker Carlson a conspiracy theorist.
“This is what the Democrats do!” she complained. “I stand for freedom! I stand for the freedom of the American people every single day.”
“No you don’t. You’re a grifter,” Hahn shot back.
Obviously, the discussion surrounding whether people should have to wear masks or get vaccinated for the good of everyone else, and whether businesses should be allowed to set their own rules regarding pandemic safety has been a heated one for at least a year now.
And that’s largely because it was turned into a political issue by Republicans and the likes of Fox News rather than an opportunity for everyone to come together and actually work to get the virus under control.
It’s also at least partly to blame for why the virus has been so prominent in the United States for so long, whereas other countries have had periods of normalcy prior to the beginning of vaccinations.
Either way, there are plenty of folks who agree wholeheartedly with Hahn’s calling it like he sees it—and wishing more people on Fox News would stand up and challenge the nonsense that gets peddled over there to the viewers that eat it up without question.
*First Published: March 31, 2021, 7:10 am