Mike Huckabee Provokes Controversy With Racist Tweet

Anti-Asian discrimination in the United States has been at the forefront of conversation for the past few weeks, between the Atlanta shooting that left eight dead and the multiple seemingly random attacks on Asian elders that infuriated anyone with a beating heart.

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But Mike Huckabee is making it perfectly clear that he’s not among them.


The former Arkansas governor decided to out-asshole everyone else online over the weekend with a reprehensible tweet managing to mock identity politics and make light of the current plight Asian Americans are facing thanks in part to his Republican peers spending the past year hammering it home just how much they blame China for the coronavirus.

“I’ve decided to ‘identify’ as Chinese,” he wrote, apropos of nothing. “Coke will like me, Delta will agree with my ‘values’ and I’ll probably get shoes from Nike & tickets to @MLB games. Ain’t America great?”


There’s a lot of trash going on in this single tweet, which HuffPost points out also seems to be taking a swing at both Coca-Cola and Delta for speaking out against Georgia’s latest attempts at voter suppression. 

But it’s the calloused way Huckabee pointedly disregards the real discrimination Chinese people are currently (and always) up against in this country to use them as a prop for his pathetic attempt at a joke that really sticks out the most.





Unsurprisingly, Huckabee shrugged off the criticism, instead insisting that he doesn’t “take Twitter…that seriously” and refusing to take responsibility for the plain fact that spewing stuff like this only contributes to a warped mindset among his supporters who believe that minorities get some sort of special treatment in this country. 

He also doubled down on his vile attempt at humor this morning:


It’s obvious that some people have racism and hatred so deeply ingrained in them that they can’t be saved. And it’s only too bad that they’re given the platform to spread their cruelty to others.

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*First Published: April 5, 2021, 6:44 am

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