Photo via @RzstProgramming/Twitter
April 22, 2021, 11:27 am
Video footage of Dave Grossman, widely regarded to be one of the nation’s top police trainers, saying that the sex after killing someone as a police officer is fantastic is spreading fast as the country perpetually reels from what have become daily tragedies. Grossman is known for pushing training that encourages cops not to hesitate to use lethal force and making it possible for them to “kill without conscious thought.”
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This kind of training has come under scrutiny as the continuing problem has people asking why so many cops seem to rush to violence, especially against BIPOC. Details and videos from his talks have circulated in recent years spotlighting some of the horrific things Grossman has told so many cops, but this latest footage may be the worst yet.
“Cop says ‘knock down, dragged-out fight, cuffed him and stuffed him, finally get home at the end of the shift and…!’” says Grossman. “Cop says ‘gunfight, bad guy’s down, I’m alive! Finally, get home at the end of the incident and…’ they all say ‘the best sex I’ve had in months.’ Both partners are very invested in some very intense sex.”
“There’s not a whole lot of perks that come with this job. You find one, relax and enjoy it.”
There are actually many perks that come with being a cop, including a high likelihood of being granted “qualified immunity” after killing or maiming someone on the job, but “great sex because I just killed or maimed someone” should probably not be one of them.
Twitter account Resist Programming, which researches and documents police violence and right-wing extremism, also highlighted footage of Grossman saying that “killing is just not that big a deal” and cops should “feel good about it.”
Grossman’s training has been under scrutiny for years now and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey even banned it from his city’s police department in 2019 following mass protests over Derek Chauvin’s murder of George Floyd. The trainer has continued to be brought in to speak with police and appear as an expert witness in court cases across the U.S. His “Killology Research Group” continues to offer programs that advertise “psychological preparation for combat” for cops.
The description for this particular service appears to echo the idea expressed by Grossman about sex after killing.
“A cornerstone for professional training if you might come into contact with inter-personal violence,” the website reads. “Knowing what strange and wonderful things might happen to your body in these stressful situations is the first step to making the correct decision in the heat of the moment… and after.”
Needless to say, there are plenty of people out there who are horrified by these sentiments.
*First Published: April 22, 2021, 11:27 am