TikToker Anna Padgett posted a video on Thursday—April Fool’s Day—revealing a conversation with her “crazy” mother suggesting she lives in an alternate universe. And it’s gone viral, because in this version of reality, Donald Trump is still president of the United States, while current President Joe Biden is not acknowledged by the military, has not been given the nuclear codes, and is not even allowed into the Pentagon.
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The video has received nearly 3 million views since going up on TikTok and features a back-and-forth framed as being between Padgett and her mother.
While the visual fixes on what appears to be kitchen tools, the audio clearly shows the two of them talking politics, with Padgett beginning the video mid-argument. Her mom says, “Trump has the nuclear codes; Biden has not been given them.”
Padgett exclaims, “Mom, you’re such a liar!” and they’re off to the races from there. Her mom is convinced, somehow, that the military has not recognized the transition of power that happened in January, and that they’re not regarding Biden as Commander-in-Chief.
Throughout the course of the 43-second video, Padgett’s mom remains calmly convinced of the alternate reality she’s constructed for herself, while Padgett is aghast. At one point, Padgett says, “You sound like you need to be locked up, 1000 percent crazy,” and her mom says, “That’s okay.”
That leads Padgett to say, with exasperation, “That’s not okay!”



Along with the video, she’s posted a message saying, “Someone manifest me moving out bro.”
The video received a signal boost on Saturday from the Fifty Shades of Whey Twitter account, along with the comment, “These people are brainwashed,” and that also brought some Twitter reactions along with it.
Cecilia Hennessy, lumping her in with the Q faithful, said, “They thought they were part of an important movement, that they’d finally be part of something big, something historical, in their boring humdrum lives. It’s the same reason some people think the apocalypse is happening soon; they can’t accept their relative unimportance.”
Another related to being the child of a Trumpy parent, noting, “It confused and disappointed me to find out my father supported Trump but it was even worse finding out that he is a Qanon follower when he shared the exact same message, verbatim the other day while visiting him.”
And Colin Mack saw it as an indication of the evils of the internet, remarking, “I wish I could laugh at shit like this but it’s seriously concerning that so many people have become this deluded by bizzaro “infotainment” sources. I guess our little human brains were just not ready for the internet.”
“Like this is scary,” he added.
*First Published: April 5, 2021, 12:33 pm