Photo via u/LeeroyM/Reddit
June 29, 2021, 1:44 pm
A couple that many are calling a Karen and a Ken has been put on blast after being filmed calling the cops while blocking a car at a Burger King drive-thru, holding up the line because they felt they should have been before another car that just happened to contain a Black family. According to posts on Reddit and YouTube as well as reporting by The Young Turks, the couple missed their chance to get in before the other car because they missed the drive-thru at first, and while they were doing a u-turn in the parking lot, another car got in ahead of them.
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The person who took the video says that the u-turn itself was illegal, yet the white couple proceeds to call the police for the crime of what they feel was cutting in line rather than just waiting an extra couple of minutes for their terrible fast food.
The video starts with the people in the car cracking up because they can’t believe what they’re witnessing. They repeatedly shout at the couple that they should just let it go and none of this is worth a Whopper. Eventually, the driver peeks out the car to make what is likely an accurate assessment of their character.
“Y’all voted for Trump, didn’t you?” she asks. “Are you that upset that he lost all those electoral votes? He won Florida, get over it!”
When another car drives up, the driver shouts an apology.
“Sorry, you’re not gonna eat today because they’re pressed.”
Eventually, frustrated, the driver gets out of her vehicle to yell at the couple to move. She goes right up to the Karen, who can be heard telling the dispatcher that she “cut me off to get to the takeout for the Burger King.” We may never know how many real emergencies were occurring at that time that the dispatcher could have helped with if a Karen wasn’t upset about not beating one person to the drive-thru line.
The Karen claims that the woman almost hit them, which she denies. The Ken at least has the decency to look embarrassed about what’s happening.
The Karen, meanwhile, seems to be having a bit of a difficult time getting the dispatcher to take her seriously.
“I realize that,” Karen says.
“You realize what?” says the woman filming. “‘Cause they probably telling you how stupid you look.”
A police officer eventually arrives, and the filmer is relieved to see that he’s a Black man. She explains what happened to the cop, calls the couple “silly, petty, immature, childish.”
After being directed to move out of the way by the officer, the Black family can finally place their order with Burger King. She and the man off screen spend the time waiting for their food laughing about what happened, and the drive-thru worker sounds like he agrees with them that the Karen was being ridiculous.
Commenters on Reddit’s Public Freakout forum widely agree that this was a case of an entitled Karen and Ken being absurd, as well as potentially committing a crime themselves not just with the illegal turn but by accosting a family that did nothing wrong.
*First Published: June 29, 2021, 1:44 pm