We live in an incredibly divided country when it comes to politics and cultural positions that have somehow become political. Sometimes it seems like there will never be any places where we can cross the divide, but it turns out there are actually a lot of connections between people on the right and the left. At least when they’re posting anonymously on Reddit.
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One Redditor named u/psychcrime exposed some of people’s most secret beliefs with the question, “If you are liberal, what is your most conservative opinion?”
Some of the opinions aren’t too shocking to me, because in general I think people who identify as liberal are pretty conservative—our whole country skews conservative! But the commenters seemed to really enjoy it. Must feel good to let it all out.
As a trans man who leans pretty far left, I don’t think someone should be ridiculed for assuming your gender. For eons people have been given context clues (hair length, facial hair, etc) and made assumptions. It does not mean people are intentionally hurting you by doing this.
Edited to say that if you are corrected, accept it. Intentionally disregarding a persons preference is just assholery. —Mweig001
i think ppl try too hard to be politically correct on everything but they don’t actually understand what they’re talking about, i’d rather people be blatantly ignorant then convince themselves they’re not by posting about it on instagram —East_Establishment81
Liberals tear each other apart for not being perfect instead of helping each other try to learn. I’m not at all here for that. If you see someone you know acting poorly, having a real conversation about why you feel that’s hurtful is going to stick better than shaming.
Close second: virtue signaling. I don’t have the time for that. —No-Abbreviations5280
We shouldn’t cater (I’d say pander) to a minority by changing how another language works. I despise “Latinx” because it’s so ethnocentric and I only hear Americans say it because any ‘ol Latino would know that Latino, despite being a masculine word, is used as though it’s gender-neutral in many cases.
I won’t act like I know how French works because Spain is in the same alliance as France. Learn about how the language works first.
if you’re really picky about it, just say Hispanic or Latin. Both work.
-A Latino. —Themyster1ous01
No matter how many minorities you identify with, you are not and should not act as if, you are untouchable when you do wrong/are just an asshole. —sunshinefireballs
Very much on the left/liberal, but I believe that people are responsible for their own triggers rather than everyone around them needing to watch every word they say. I think we coddle people too much sometimes. —0tt3rG0rl
Some criminals can not be rehabilitated. They should stay in prison permanently. Also that certain crimes need much harsher sentences. Please be aware I live in New Zealand not America. People don’t go to jail here for 99 years for having some drugs. —KiwiChefnz
Its perfectly ok for sex to be a private thing. I’m sex positive, I want proper sex education but the trend of sexualising EVERYTHING and being out there and explicit about what and how you like to f-ck could be toned down. —Harvey__Denture
I think there should be more trade schools and apprenticeships. That probally would seem conserative to some people, but many smart people sometimes do not fit in well at college. —Nearby_Act3260
I don’t know if this is necessarily conservative, but I’m somewhat pro nuclear energy. I think harnessing nuclear energy could help slow the speed of climate change. It’s obviously not great since it still produces terrible waste, but I don’t think it’s as bad as fossil fuels and there’s a lot of room for growth and improvement in nuclear energy.
Eco nuts who think we can solve everything with only wind and solar power aren’t being realistic. —squawk_kwauqs
Some of the things that POC say about white people ain’t it. Some of it is genuinely meant to mock and shame them, and I don’t care what justifications POC feel they have—it’s wrong. The argument that “it’s just humor” is stale; calling it a joke doesn’t make it any less offensive. And the whole “well, they’ve said worse” argument is just ludicrous. Yes, there are tons who likely have but there are also tons who haven’t.
I’m a firm believer in treating people the way you’d want to be treated. You don’t get to make exceptions based on people’s skin color, ay dios mio. —reinakun
I don’t think people should be able to buy property in the U.S. unless they live here. It would be fine if they live here even part of the year. But foreigners and companies buying residential property as investments price so many people out of the market. —trekbette
That we should probably blunt one side of the double edged sword that “cancel culture” has turned out to be.
Ratting out people who’ve actually done bad things and got away with it when they shouldn’t have? Sure that’s pretty based.
But jeeze I hardly even know if the acceptance I feel from people nowadays is real sometimes, or if they’re just afraid I’m going to lie to get them fired under the guise of transphobia. —Phoebe_G
That the US cable media system is complete garbage on literally all sides and every single news station propagates so much divisive bullshit for the express purpose of wasting everyone’s time by fighting instead of dealing with issues.
This is conservative only because a lot of fellow liberals seem to think CNN is somehow not also guilty of this. —TheKingofHats007
As a gay man, I wish LGBT people weren’t treated as this special unique thing.
Seeing rainbows and advertisements everywhere dedicated to people born like me has never made me feel normal. As a young child questioning myself, seeing all the pandering made me feel scared about being something “different” from my peers, even when it wasn’t homophobic or biased (of course this is just my personal view). Like there’s nothing about being born gay or trans that requires the endless media and virtue signaling.
Gay Pride used to be about spreading awareness of discrimination and bigotry, and standing up for our rights. Now it’s a giant pat-me-on-the-back-cuz-im-gay parade, fueled by corporations that often earn millions from countries that genuinely see us as inhuman.
We don’t need another Gay Pride in New York or LA, we need to reach the many small communities in the US where LGBT kids live in paranoia because they have no comrades or allies. We should erase this idea that your child is put into a social category different from you because of who they like or how they act. —armani_vibes
I like guns —SexDeity
I’m super liberal. Porn addiction is real and it’s a problem. There are dudes who can’t get erect without porn in the background. There’s no warning for kids that it’s addictive and that it can harm future relationships. —NimueLovesCoffee
I really, really can’t stand the overwhelming smell of marijuana. Sorry r/trees —boy-1der
Really liking the American flag. For whatever reason it seems politicized now… —Careful-Lecture
Neopronouns are bullshit in entirety. Pronouns exist to make referring to someone easier without using their name. Personalizing them as much as a name literally defeats the purpose. He, she and they are enough. —puppetspoppets
Well I’m conservative so I’ll give you my most liberal opinion: health care should be a right, not for profit, and never drive someone into debt or bankruptcy. Because it’s what Jesus would do —stillwaters23
*First Published: July 4, 2021, 7:11 am