Photo via @roxanneluckey/TikTok, Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
July 27, 2021, 10:27 am
The future sister-in-law to Rep. Matt Gaetz, who is currently under investigation for his alleged role in a sex trafficking operation involving both grown women and at least one underage girl, recently published a TikTok video outlining some of the creepy behavior she’s endured since he started dating her sister.
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The video has already been removed from the social media platform, likely due to gaining a high amount of attention from stating some seriously gross allegations against a high-level elected official.
The video, however, has continued spreading on Twitter. The footage shows Roxanne Luckey, sister of Ginger Luckey and of Oculus VR founder and major Republican donor Palmer Luckey, telling the story of how Gaetz encouraged a fellow politician around the same age as Gaetz (who is 39) to try and date Roxanne.
The TikTok user, who was 19 at the time, did not appreciate this and confronted the congressman about it when she met him at Thanksgiving.
“Matt had just started dating my sister and a friend that I had met and kind of knew that was around Matt’s age, like had a kid and been divorced, and this guy kept tell me like ‘oh, Matt told me I should ask you out, like we’d be great together,’” said Roxanne. “So I decided to confront Matt about it. So come Thanksgiving when I finally had the chance to see him face to face, I was straight up with him, and I was like ‘what is up with this?’”
“He just immediately got so defensive and started yelling at me and my mom. He called me a narcissist, just was a thousand percent gaslighting me—went full lawyer, ‘I don’t have to listen to you, I don’t have to answer your questions.’”
Seems like an extreme reaction for someone who claims to be innocent of creepy behavior around women who are around the age of 18.
Roxanne’s TikTok account has been set to private, but the original video that started her attacks on her future brother-in-law was a brief bit of lip-syncing with a text overlay saying that her sister is “engaged to a literal pedophile.” In the follow-up, she corrected this to “ephebophile,” which technically describes someone attracted to mid-to-late age adolescents who are still under the age of 18, but do we really need to split hairs on the creep terminology?
Gaetz has maintained his innocence after an explosive report found that he had sent money to women brought to him by former “wingman” Joel Greenberg, who pleaded guilty to sex trafficking charges and heavily implicated Gaetz in his confession. Roxanne, who was briefly employed as a White House intern in 2020 and comes from a rich family with clear political connections, is already fed up with men like Gaetz who use their power to creep on and exploit vulnerable young women.
“As someone who has personally experienced a ton of creepy old politician men hitting on me when I was underage, and experiencing sexual assault at that age by people of power, it’s very disheartening and I have zero tolerance of people like [Gaetz],” she said. “And I think politicians need to be held accountable for their actions and I’m tired of them getting away with this type of stuff.”
She’s far from the only one who feels that way, clearly.
*First Published: July 27, 2021, 10:27 am