Photo via @NYGovCuomo/Twitter, David Shankbone/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 3.0)
August 11, 2021, 1:08 pm
Because the worst people humanity has to offer always congregate together, perpetually unlikable actor Alec Baldwin came to the defense of disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo after he announced his resignation following an investigation that found him guilty of serial sexual harassment. While pretending that his statement was somehow politics-free, he managed to downplay the harm done by sexual predators and act like the tragic part of the whole trainwreck was that people found out that Cuomo is one of them.
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“Regardless of what you think of Cuomo, this is a tragic day,” tweeted Baldwin. “Party politics in this country draw ambitious but ultimately isolated, even socially maladjusted men and women who, given the current cancel culture, will likely have their shortcomings exposed and magnified.”
For the record, being a sexual predator who traumatized and ruined the careers of many women is significantly worse than being “socially maladjusted” and committing a series of sexual assaults and developing an entire reputation around manipulating and harassing women is not a “shortcoming.” Also, having the actual crimes and violence committed by people with massive amounts of power “exposed and magnified” is a good thing, not a tragedy.
Cuomo announced his resignation on Tuesday, which will go into effect in two weeks from that day, but has denied any wrongdoing in spite of a long list of women who say he harassed them and an even longer list of photos and videos showing him creeping on women who often appear to be less than half his age.
Baldwin, meanwhile, has established a personal pattern of defending sexual predators, once defending Cuomo in a now-deleted 14-minute Instagram video in which he also came to the defense of accused child molester Woody Allen, whom he has worked with on three separate projects. The 63-year-old actor tried to make the claim that people should only have to face any kind of consequences for their actions if those actions are “proven beyond a reasonable doubt” in a courtroom setting.
The problem with this, of course, is that powerful men like Cuomo, Allen, and Baldwin can and do use their money and status to avoid ever being brought before a court of law in the first place. In spite of the investigation by New York Attorney General Letitia James finding that Cuomo broke the law by sexually harassing his employees and creating a hostile work environment for women, it’s widely expected that he will not face charges because he’s a powerful politician and our justice system is a joke.
Those of us who understand this because we’re one of the many unfortunate people not born into a rich, powerful family are extremely tired of Alec Baldwin and the people he keeps defending. Some women are also starting to get serious creep vibes from him considering how much energy he’s been putting into speaking up for men like Cuomo.
*First Published: August 11, 2021, 1:08 pm