Photo via @bethanyshondark/Twitter
August 6, 2021, 12:15 pm
Conservative influencer and writer for the far-right rag The Federalist thought she really had something when she posted photos of a mask allegedly used by one single child for one single day, and the grossness of it had people begging her to keep a mask on that kid indefinitely. If you haven’t seen it yet, and you probably have against your will, the disposable, surgical-style mask looks to have a large yellowing grease spot right where the mouth would go as though someone had used that mask to hold their order of fries.
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Not only has it been declared one of the nastiest photos on the internet, anti-masker Bethany S. Mandel managed to self-own and drive people even more toward the side of “everyone just wear masks outside of the home forever because people are disgusting.”
This all started with a tweet claiming that masks consist of “dirty, bacteria-filled cloth” as an attack on parents who have their kids mask up.
Naturally, pro-maskers responded by letting her know that she needs to either wash or replace her kids’ masks regularly in order to keep them clean — something that every other parent figured out without being told. However, Mandel responded with what she apparently thought was something appropriate to share with the virtual public.
Suppress your gag reflex, because here it comes.
Yeah. We know.
The extremely predictable result of this was thousands upon thousands of nauseous people using this as an example of why wearing masks in public even outside of a global pandemic is a great idea that we should have picked up from Japan and other countries years ago. The very idea that Mandel’s kid or someone equally nasty would breathe on people without any kind of barrier catching all that grease and plaque probably increased masks sales overnight.
There is a possibility, and we all hope this is true, that Mandel purposely greased up the mask before taking the photo in order to push her agenda. Either way, we haven’t seen anything backfire on a conservative this badly since the Republicans lost the Senate after convincing their voters that the U.S. electoral system was rigged and got them to boycott voting altogether.
At first, many people assumed the mask belonged to Mandel herself and advised her to seek medical attention. When she clarified that it was the mask of a six-year-old at summer camp, they advised her to seek medical attention for her child or speculated that the kid had been using the mask as a feed bag for their snacks. Mandel responded to some of these comments by accusing people of hating children.
Somehow, Mandel has twisted this to convince herself that the nasty mask is definitely normal and all her current critics either don’t have kids or just hate them, ignoring the literal thousands of parents whose kids are able to wear masks without turning them into inexpensive stomach pumps. Others suggested that if her kid has chronic garbage mouth, she could send him to camp with more than one disposable mask. They’re not that expensive.
Then again, this was the same woman who declared to the whole world that we can all call her “Grandma killer.”
Meanwhile, Twitter users continued to spread the horrifying photos around so that we could all have to see them over and over again until we contemplated deleting our accounts and going to live in the woods alone for a few years.
*First Published: August 6, 2021, 12:15 pm