‘Believer Of Christ’ Teacher Dramatically Quits Because She Refuses To Call Trans Students By Their Names

The Loudon County School Board met on Wednesday to vote on trans-inclusive rules that would have allowed trans students to “use their chosen name and gender pronouns that reflect their consistently asserted gender identity,” PinkNews reports, and require teachers to respect their identity as well by using those names and pronouns in classroom.

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You’d think anyone who wants to be a teacher would want to affirm and support students, but no—bigots go into all sorts of careers. And one in particular, Laura Morris, used the meeting to grandstand about how she is a “believer in Christ” and is quitting over the new policy.


Teachers would be given some sort of training on LGBTQ+ issues, but it seems like Morris is already worked up over other trainings she’s had through the school system based on the speech she gave (which begins around the 3:39 mark in the video below).

“Within the last year, I was told in one of my so-called equity trainings that white Christian able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools, and that quote, ‘this has to change,’” Morris said, starting to cry.

“You’ve made your point,” she went on. “You no longer value me, or many other teachers you’ve employed in this county. So since my contract outlines the power that you have over my employment in Loudon County Public Schools, I thought it necessary to resign in front of you.

“School board, I quit. I quit your policies, I quit your trainings, and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas on our most vulnerable constituents – the children. I will find employment elsewhere. I encourage all parents and staff in this county to flood the private schools.”

You know what? Good! If that’s how she feels, she is not a safe person to have around trans kids and she shouldn’t be in the classroom. I’m guessing a lot of private schools will feel similarly. And the Internet definitely agrees:



Despite Morris’s grandstanding, Loudon County passed the new policies by a 7-2 vote. And she’s out of the job.

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*First Published: August 15, 2021, 6:34 am

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