Photo via @DonLemonTonight/Twitter
July 28, 2021, 11:34 am*
D.C. police Officer Michael Fanone, following his testimony on how he was assaulted by insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6, gave the audio of a voicemail he received from a Trump supporter that he reportedly left while Fanone was speaking before the House committee to CNN. The network elected to play the audio uncensored, in spite of it containing homophobic slurs and other foul rhetoric, to give the public an idea of the kind of abuse that these officers have endured for speaking the truth on what happened that day.
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“It includes some incredibly offensive language, but we think people need to hear the kind of attacks these officers are facing right now just for telling the truth about January 6,” said Don Lemon.
The clip contains multiple uses of the homophobic f-slur and accuses Fanone of being a liar and being weak, then manages to get super racist.
“You want an Emmy? An Oscar?” says the caller. “What are you trying to go for here? You’re so full of shit you little f—-t f—er. You’re a little p—y, man. I could slap you up the side your head with a backhand and knock you out, you little f—-t.”
“How about all that scummy Black f—ing scum for two years destroying our cities and burning ’em and stealing all that shit out of the stores and everything. How about that? Assaulting cops and killing people?”
The man on the line appears to be referring to the uprising against police brutality that occurred mostly during the summer of 2020, across hundreds of cities in the U.S., with most injuries and deaths attributed to the same police violence being protested at the time. At no time during these many protests was a cop held down and tasered repeatedly at the base of the skull, and there were no reports of cops being beaten with American flags.
Regardless, whataboutism concerning the uprising has been a common defense mechanism for Trump supporters when confronted with the topic of the insurrection.
And this guy is definitely a Trump supporter, outing himself while wishing further harm upon Fanone.
“I wish they would’a killed all you scumbags ’cause you people are scum. They stole the election from Trump and you know that, you scumbag. And f—ing too bad they didn’t beat the s–t out of you more. You’re a piece of s–t.”
When asked by Lemon how he would respond to people like the “idiot” who left the voicemail, Fanone hinted that this is not the first time he’s received such a message.
“This is what happens to people who tell the truth in Trump’s America,” he said
“I mean, unfortunately I’ve come to expect this type of response. It’s not the first time that people have expressed similar opinions to me.”
*First Published: July 28, 2021, 11:33 am