August 13, 2021, 9:42 am
A Christian OnlyFans model is ruffling conservative feathers after saying that she believes God wants her to strip.
Nita Marie found success and happiness on OnlyFans following a divorce. Now, the 45-year-old says she makes $1.8 million a year on the site, and that she believes God led her to this career “so [she] could help women and men have healthy relationships with sex and their bodies.”
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Her perspective on sexuality isn’t exactly in line with traditional Christianity, but considering how she came to religion, that isn’t surprising.
According to a discussion with Jam Press, Marie wasn’t brought up in any particular religion, but found Christianity after having a dream about Jesus when she was nine.
“That experience helped me seek out Christianity and I built a relationship with Christ on a personal level, rather than one filled with doctrine written by men thousands of years ago,” she said.
It’s that “relationship with Christ” that has prompted Marie to stick to stripping online, rather than shun expressions of sexuality as is more popular among Christians. “I asked God if I should continue stripping off and the answer was always yes,” she said.
She also explained that she believes sexuality “is a gift that God gave us to experience with other people where both parties are consensual.”
“When we experience an orgasm with someone else we share a small part of how God feels about us.”
Reactions to Marie’s views on sexuality and Christianity have been predictably inconsistent, but some have applauded her open-minded and healthy approach to sexuality in a world where Christians often riot against anything that doesn’t fit their narrow view of what’s morally acceptable for women.
Others have not been quite so open-minded. “When I first started modeling I had a lot of Christian friends and family who shunned me,
” Marie admitted. And some of the reactions to her on Twitter immediately back that up.Advertisement
But for now, Marie seems perfectly content in her choices and beliefs, and hopes she can help let other “women and men know that there’s nothing wrong with embracing their sexuality and being religious.”
*First Published: August 13, 2021, 9:42 am