August 10, 2021, 9:07 am*
We need to give Simone Biles a break.
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Seriously. The pressure we have put on this woman has negatively affected her mental health to the point where she had to pull out of the all-around gymnastics competition during the recent Tokyo Olympics.
Now, she’s responding to anti-choice critics who don’t agree with her stance on abortion rights.
Through her Instagram Stories, Biles shared that she is “very pro-choice” and gave a response to the “why not put it up for adoption?” argument anti-choice activists use.
“I already know this is going to start the biggest argument & may even lose followers BUT. I’m very much pro choice,” she began in the post.

On the topic of adoption, Biles said “it’s not that easy & coming from someone who was in the foster care system TRUST me. … foster care system is broken & it’s TOUGH.”
She also referenced the expenses that come with adoption. On average, adopting a child can cost between $20,000 and $50,000 for domestic and international adoptions. Not everyone who wants to adopt can afford those fees.
Recently, Biles opened up about the challenges she faced during childhood as part of Simone vs Herself, Biles’ Facebook Watch series. During early childhood, Biles’ biological mother was not fit to care for Biles and her siblings.
“Growing up, me and my siblings were so focused on food because we didn’t have a lot of food,” she said. “I remember there was this cat around the house and I would be so hungry. They would feed this cat and I would be like, ‘Where the heck is my food?’ And so I think that’s [why] I don’t like cats … because this freaking street cat, she always fed it. But she never fed us.”
Biles and her siblings were in the foster care system until they were officially adopted by Nellie and Ronald Biles, the children’s maternal grandparents.
Many people who were in a situation similar to Biles’ shared they are pro-choice as well.
Not every child in the foster care system is as lucky as Biles and her siblings were. Thousands of kids spend their entire lives in the system, with more than 23,000 aging out of the system (aka turning 18) every year.
Responding to the (unnecessary) backlash, Biles clarified her message through Twitter.
And she did not mince words when it came to her trolls.
We’ll let this person’s tweet sum up our thoughts on Biles:
Lead image: Simone Biles/Instagram
*First Published: August 10, 2021, 9:06 am