Photo via @BillRobens/Twitter
August 6, 2021, 1:53 pm
In a video that somehow got overlooked this week, a man posing as a fan of MyPillow CEO and human garbage disposal Mike Lindell trolled the conspiracy peddler after finding him doing a live show in the middle of what looks like a hotel courtyard, in broad daylight, without pants. As he’s sitting there yell-talking into a camera in his undies, author Bill Robens approaches him and claims to be a fan before providing a long list of rather creative insults that the “pillow pusher” should not let his critics call him.
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Lindell initially responds positively, though tells Robens that he is currently “live on TV right now,” but the fake fan has a few things to say.
“Don’t let the libtards call you names,” he tells Lindell. “Don’t let them call you an ethically dubious pillow pusher. Don’t let them call you a marginally brain-addled corrupt goofball.”
At this point, Lindell gives Robens a look that suggests he now understands he’s being trolled and again says that he’s doing something live, but why he thought that Robens would stop there is as big a mystery as the actual date that Donald Trump will somehow magically retake the office of president.
“Don’t let them call you names is what I’m saying. Be strong. Don’t let them push you around or call you names like ‘completely clueless crazy old man who believes everything he sees on the internet.’”
Robens then gives the conspiracy monger his love and leaves, having ruined Lindell’s live show more than he would have if he had accidentally stood up at any point while the camera was rolling.
A few outlets such as HuffPost reported on the trolling but somehow seemed to miss the fact that the Trump toadie is just sitting there in his boxers where other hotel patrons and staff can see him as though there were not any chance someone might document this event. However it got overlooked, the video is now starting to spread on Twitter after being promoted by Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko, who did notice the lack of pants.
Lindell has continued to do interviews with the increasingly obscure outlets who will still give him the time of day, continuing to insist that some lawsuit or something will overturn the 2020 election results and put Donald Trump back in the White House. The date for the drop was supposed to be August 13, but recently announced that because it was taking longer than he thought to set up his “symposium,” whatever that means, the date will likely be pushed back to late August or early September.
“We’ll be bringing our findings to the Supreme Court in late August or early September, some time after the cyber-symposium ends, and it proves it was an attack by China,” he told The Daily Beast. “When I gave my prediction about August, and that was several months ago, that was an estimate at the time. But it took so long to get this symposium set up. However long it takes for the Supreme Court to take it up and decide on this, I can’t predict that. I’m not the Supreme Court.”
We wait with bated breath, Mike.
*First Published: August 6, 2021, 1:53 pm