A middle school teacher in Texas is now facing disciplinary action after she was caught harassing a student and taking off her mask to purposely breathe on her.
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Video taken in a classroom at Mead Middle School in Houston shows a teacher walking up to a student and cornering her between the wall and a desk while the other students look on.
“Get out of my face,” the student asks. “You get out of mine,” the teacher replies.
The teacher has already pulled her mask down at this point and starts aggressively exhaling in the student’s face, even leaning in closer to do so.
She then appears to call the student a b*tch and keeps breathing loudly and wildly flailing her arms around, still blocking the student in.
“Get out of my face,” the student calmly repeats. “Make me,” the teacher challenges back.
Despite Governor Greg Abbott’s potentially illegal attempt to ban mask mandates in schools, Aldine Independent School District is one that has continued requiring face coverings among staff and students regardless.
But even if COVID wasn’t in play, and a mask mandate hadn’t been broken during this altercation, the behavior displayed was still shockingly inappropriate for a teacher.
“This is not someone I want in authority of my teenage child,” one viewer wrote on the Facebook post. “No self control and total lack of respect for their well being. She may want to rethink her profession.”
According to the Facebook post, the incident took place in mid-September, but no action was taken until the video started going viral. One commenter claimed that the students’ parents were originally told by the school that nothing had even happened.
The district confirmed that the teacher was removed from the classroom while an investigation is underway, and may ultimately be fired.
*First Published: October 8, 2021, 8:09 am