New Poll Suggests Millennials And Gen Z Are The Worst Tipping Generations

August 21, 2021, 7:53 am*

Listen, if you don’t tip your server, I’m going to judge you. I don’t even care if they spill your Aperol Spritz on you. Tip your damn server! Tip your delivery person!

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But apparently, a new poll from says that Millennials and Gen Z are the worst tipping generations. Based on my own experiences as a so-called Older Millennial, I feel like there’s something suspect about their findings, but I’m not a statistician or equipped to question the methods of (You can read about their survey methodology here.)


Data collected showed that Millennials and Gen Z’ers are least likely to say they always tip at a sit-down restaurant. Compared to Boomers, who say they tip 88% of the time, 58% of Millennials and 56% of Gen Z’ers claim to tip.

I suppose we can think of this in a few ways. People who are older and at a later stage in the careers are likely to earn more on average. Perhaps that correlates with better tipping — but I definitely know some elderly, wealthy folks who can be stingy when out to dinner if they aren’t very, very pleased with the service.

Additionally, 82% of people who earn $80,000 a year or more say they always tip at sit-down restaurants. 73% of people who earn between $40,000 and $80,000 said they always tip. 58% of those earning $40,000 or less said they also always tip. The study also found that when Millennials tip, they leave larger amounts than other generations.

The study also suggested that the service professionals most likely to receive tips were hair stylists, restaurant servers, and food delivery people.

The study also provided some helpful information about how to tip. They suggested to learn tipping norms based on where you are geographically, always carry cash, and when in doubt, ask. They also explained that for some people, a tip is not bonus money and is “built into the compensation structure for some service workers…this is part of what they’re relying to feed their family.” Also, you don’t have to tip if an electronic message pops up asking you if you want to leave a tip while you are at the store. No tip is necessary for a cashier, says etiquette expert Diane Gottsman.

Featured Image: Unsplash

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*First Published: August 21, 2021, 7:51 am

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