People Have So Many Questions About This ‘Budget Breakdown’ Of Guy Making $100K

CNBC tweet with graph of "budget breakdown" for man making 100k per year and that dril tweet with the candle budget

Photo via @dutchessprim/Twitter, @CloakDaguerre/Twitter

August 19, 2021, 1:00 pm

Yet another budget breakdown of a high-income individual reported by some news outlet is making average Americans scratch their heads as they try to figure out whether somebody is lying to them or if the rich really are just that weird. This latest case comes from a CNBC post claiming to highlight someone who is “excellent with money” and makes $100,000 per year but somehow only spends $2775 per month, putting the other $66,700 per year into savings, apparently.

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The article is from 2018, but resurfaced when Twitter user DitchessPrim posted a screenshot of the original tweet from CNBC, remarking that she has questions about the corresponding pie graph.


Though some of the expenses seem reasonable, such as utilities and transportation costs (assuming you live somewhere with decent public transit), many commenters wondered how anyone in the U.S. in the 21st century is able to pay just $20 for internet, $825 for rent, and $30 for a house cleaner for an entire month. Some were also skeptical that anyone making that much money could find a health insurance plan, even for an individual, for just $270.

The full article on this young man, Trevor Klee of Massachusetts, helps to answer some of those questions. Trevor “Excellent with Money” Klee keeps his rent low by sharing a house with four other people (and one dog). His phone bill stays low because he’s part of a family plan and is only paying his share. He also shares the cost of the house cleaner with his four roommates and likely the internet bill.

The one thing that can’t be explained is why this guy gets labeled as “excellent with money” when he spends $250 per month dining out while the poor get called parasites and are accused of welfare fraud if they dare to own and cell phone and a refrigerator. But the problem most people have with this breakdown is that it gives the impression that someone considers Klee’s situation to be at all average for someone living in the U.S. and that those who are struggling should blame themselves for being bad at money.

People don’t like that. Exhibit A:













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*First Published: August 19, 2021, 1:00 pm

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