August 20, 2021, 11:31 am
Avrey Ovard is a pretty successful influencer, with almost a million followers on YouTube and close to 200k on TikTok. A lot of her YouTube videos are about the teen experience, high school, boys, dances, etc., because she is only 19-years-old. She also sometimes makes videos about workouts and was filming herself at the gym for a future video when she was approached by a man who she clocked as being in his forties.
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He, however, did not seem to realize how young she is. Or he did, and that’s what was appealing to him…either way, his attempt to ask her out ended up being recorded and she posted the clip on TikTok. So did his nasty response when she told him he was “too old.”
First, he got in her business about her filming. He left, and then came back. Bro, you should have thought twice and decided not to return!
He then demanded she take her headphones out. If she were older, she might know by now that she didn’t have to comply, but that’s being a teen. He wanted her name, and for her to listen to him.
Avrey tried to give him some non-verbal clues that she wasn’t interested, like looking at her phone,but he continued anyway, saying, “When I’m able to get our you might not be here. I wanted to get your number for dinner.”
“Oh I’m sorry,” Avrey responded. “I’m too young for you.”
“Oh yeah?” he said and she confirmed it again.
“Well I’m too rich,” he said, before walking away. Avrey laughed nervously.
But eventually the shock hit her. It’s kind of funny, because I’m betting Avrey isn’t doing too bad for herself, especially for a teenager. She has so many followers and what seems to be some sponsored content deals.
The comments are mostly people applauding Avrey for being direct and saying she was too young, instead of bringing a real or fake boyfriend into it. Maybe I’m biased, but I said the same thing to older men a few times as a teen, and the expression on their face is worth it!
And others noted how defensive he got over the rejection:
There were a few people who pushed back on the idea that she was too young or said she shouldn’t have been “rude,” but pushing your phone in someone’s face isn’t exactly polite. If you are over twenty, and there’s a possibility that the person you’re hitting on has the syllable “teen” in their age number, you should keep quiet and keep it pushing.
*First Published: August 20, 2021, 11:31 am