Photo via u/BusyBusyBizzy/Reddit
October 20, 2021, 2:14 pm
An encounter with a white woman in a cardigan, perhaps in her 30s or 40s, with that kind of hair (you know) ended in an rather unexpected manner for a skateboarder who was attempting to land a difficult trick in a public area. The video of this meeting landed on Reddit’s popular “Public Freakout” forum, but if anything, proved that some freakouts can be positive in nature.
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Following countless videos showing women of similar stature harassing skateboarders for no reason, viewers can be forgiven if they expected the encounter to be a negative one, even with a post titled “A Karen freaks out at a skateboarder…. in the best way.”
“I wanted to tell you something,” the woman says as she approaches. She then gives the skateboarder a high five. “You’re gonna nail this today. You’re gonna nail it today. Like, you’re gonna do it, you’re so close!”
Not only does she encourage the skateboarder to keep trying to land what he calls “nightmare flips,” she explains how his refusal to give up will follow him for the rest of his life and allow him to accomplish anything he sets his mind to.
“First off, you’re gonna do, whatever you do in your life, you’re gonna knock it out of the park,” she says. “Only because, you’re sitting here busting your ass just to nail this one trick, you’ll do that for the rest of your life. No matter what it is, you won’t get it, you’ll try you’ll try you’ll try you’ll try again.”
“You’re gonna nail it today. Do you believe in yourself?”
“Of course,” says the young man.
She and the skateboarder then high-five again, the skateboard thanks the benevolent Karen, and she wishes him a great time as she walks away.
Redditors are so enchanted by this positive video among a sea of awful Karen freakout videos that they’re now discussing the proper term for the opposite of a Karen — an anti-Karen, if you will.
Many others objected to her being called a Karen in the first place, feeling that the designation is not about appearances but about actions, regardless of how good the bait-and-switch video title might have been.
Either way, everyone seems to love this mystery woman for breaking the stereotype and interrupting someone’s day to offer encouragement and positivity to a stranger for once. After the many, many videos we’ve all seen of true Karens, this one is a breath of fresh air to a nation of people choking in a quagmire of rudeness.
*First Published: October 20, 2021, 2:14 pm