Photo via @RightWingWatch/Twitter
October 21, 2021, 11:23 am
Notorious far-right conspiracy theorist and senior pastor for the Flowing Streams Church, Rick Wiles, has taken a solid lead in the race for who can come up with the most bonkers theory around the contents and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. During a recent episode of a show for his horrifically bigoted website “TruNews,” he makes the wild claim that the shot contains a tiny egg that hatches some sort of robotic mind-control parasite in a vision envied by science fiction writers everywhere.
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“They’re planting, they’re putting eggs in people’s bodies,” he said with an utterly deadpan demeanor. “If you didn’t see yesterday’s TruNews, you need to watch it. It’s an egg that hatches into a synthetic parasite. It grows inside your body.”
“This is like a sci-fi nightmare. And it’s happening in front of us.”
It’s unclear how Wiles came to this conclusion or if there was ever any kind of logical path to it. Nobody seems to want to watch an entire episode of TruNews in order to try and unearth where this idea came from, but ultimately it doesn’t matter nearly as much as the fact that the man continues to spread lies about the COVID vaccines after the approved ones were distributed to over three billion people with only rare or minor issues.
If Rick Wiles wants a sci-fi nightmare vision, he should simply look in a mirror.
Wiles himself was hospitalized with COVID-19 in June after many months of spreading conspiracy theories and straight-up lies about it, including the idea that God was responsible for the pandemic as punishment for various sins like existing while gay. Wile’s infection, of course, was not because God was mad at him, in his mind. Rather, Wiles actually blamed vaccinated people, claiming that they somehow were shedding the virus even though the vaccine only contains parts of the contagion. Meanwhile, his substitute anchor accused Satan of getting Wiles sick enough to land in the hospital.
Wiles recovered, but not before several other TruNews staff members were also infected.
Being one of the more extreme conspiracy theorists on COVID, which is really saying something, Wiles has claimed that the vaccine would kill 70 percent of the people who get it. As far as we know, he has not reconciled this with early COVID-denialism arguments saying there can’t be thousands of people dying from the illness because the streets aren’t choked with dead bodies. It doesn’t take long to figure out how much 70 percent of three billion is, and if that many people had died, it seems like we all would have noticed.
Regardless, in Rick’s mind, he’s a hero facing off against “a global coup d’état by the most evil cabal of people on the planet in the history of mankind.” And we’re sure all the people making fun of him right now are their nefarious minions, right Rick?
*First Published: October 21, 2021, 11:23 am