Viral Video Shows Republican’s Shifting Vaccine Message On CNN vs. Fox News

Rep. Nancy Mace on Fox News and on CNN

Photo via @Acyn/Twitter

November 29, 2021, 2:18 pm

A video on Twitter has gone viral for showing how the messaging on the topic of the COVID-19 vaccine changes substantially coming out of the mouth of Republican Representative Nancy Mace depending on where she is — CNN or Fox News. It simply plays a clip of her speaking on the subject on Fox News before playing another talking about the same thing on the more moderate CNN. See if you can spot the key differences.

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“In some studies that I have read, natural immunity gives you 27 times more protection against future COVID infection than a vaccination,” says Mace on Fox. “So we need to take all of the science into account and not selectively choose what science to follow when we are making policy decisions.”

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We’re not sure what studies Mace has allegedly read, but based on our own research it would appear that she is entirely wrong, if not outright lying. There is still debate among the scientific community about the differences in immunity conferred by the vaccine vs. catching and surviving COVID-19, with some studies suggesting that the vaccine is the more effective path. One study often cited by anti-vaxxers that claims the vaccine to be much less effective than what they call “natural” immunity (it’s all-natural, baby) has been widely criticized for less than ideal methodology.

What most agree on, however, is that the best immunity likely comes from getting the vaccine after recovering from a COVID-19 infection and that the vaccine is great because it kills people at a much, much lesser rate than COVID-19, so that will be your safest route to protection either way. Mace herself seems to suddenly understand the value of vaccines, rather than parroting anti-vaxx talking points, the moment she’s on CNN instead of Fox News.

“I’ve been a proponent of vaccinations and wearing masks when we need to. We had the Delta variant raging in South Carolina, I wrote an op-ed to my community and I work with our state department of health, I have run ads encouraging my district to go and get vaccinated,” says Mace in the CNN half of the video. “When we have these variants and spikes to take every precaution from washing our hands to wearing N95 or KN95 masks more than the medical masks.”

Interesting how Republicans are only pro-vaccine and/or pro-mask when it’s convenient, like when they think they might be able to convince a few centrists that they’re reasonable people who don’t trash the same things the moment they’re back on Gab. While Mace is not the most far-right when it comes to these topics, she has joined her party in railing against vaccine mandates while she walks around New York without a mask.

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Just prior to when the viral video from Acyn starts, Mace also makes the false claim that official public health departments and organizations are not even looking into vaccine vs. infection-induced immunity even just before citing some mystery study that definitely exists.

“One of the things that the CDC has not done and no policy at the federal level has done is taken into account what natural immunity does, and that may be what we’re seeing in Florida today,” she said.

To be clear, vaccine immunity is also natural immunity because it creates the exact same natural immune response in human bodies, just without the risks associated without catching the illness. The double vaccine schedule also helps guarantee that the body knows this is a persistent threat and remembers the signs of the virus.

But don’t ask us — listen to your actual human health experts who often have Twitter accounts. Of course, you don’t need a medical degree to spot a two-faced liar.

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*First Published: November 29, 2021, 2:18 pm

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