Photo via @jennycavallero/Twitter
February 16, 2022, 2:59 pm
Working in retail, food service, or any other job in which you need to ring people up as a cashier can be an incredibly difficult and draining experience, requiring extensive emotional labor while you pretend like you don’t hate working there and plaster on a fake smile for rude customers. For these underpaid and underappreciated workers, kind customers can be a godsend, bring a little bit of brightness into their long shifts on their feet, operating the most essential part of the business while being treated as disposable.
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One such former retail worker brought up a story in which she gave a customer a substantial discount on Hobby Lobby items for any “old lady” who offered her a compliment.
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This kicked off a long list of replies by people who had done something similar in their own jobs, or who engage in this kind of off-the-book discounting currently. Sometimes there’s not enough kind customers, so workers bring their own positivity into their work by helping out people who seem like they need their own uplifting that day. Not only do people universally love this kind of surprise as a form of customer service, it helps the workers themselves get through the day.
From giving small discounts to regulars or people who are clearly students or healthcare workers to paying for an entire parking pass for a woman whose son was dying in the hospital, hundreds of people offered their own stories of how they’ve made a customer’s day. We simply cannot get enough of these uplifting tales of people putting kindness into the world rather than cruelty, but here are 25 that stood out:
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*First Published: February 16, 2022, 2:59 pm