Photo via @cutty8o3/TikTok
February 18, 2022, 12:23 pm
A white man in a South Carolina Applebee’s restaurant got a hard lesson about using racial slurs after the Black man he appeared to be harassing slapped the mozzarella sticks out of him—an interaction that was caught on video by a TikTok user. The original video was either deleted or removed, as content labeled as “violent” often does on the video social media platform, but it lives on at Twitter, where popular user Fifty Shades of Whey shared it with his many thousands of followers.
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As the video begins, it appears that there had already been some kind of argument between the two men, as the Black man suggests “let’s go outside” and heads for the entrance door of the restaurant as a number of people are tensely standing by. That’s when the white man says the thing that gets him a beat down.
“There’s a difference between ‘Black’ and ‘n—–,’” he says, with a hard R.
This immediately results in an uproar of disapproval from bystanders, but that’s the least of the white guy’s problems. The Black man proceeds to repeatedly slap the racist in the face for just about 30 seconds straight as people yell and run about until he falls flat on his back. The racist man almost gets away with some dignity intact, but after the first round of slaps starts saying something inaudible and the Black man seems to accuse him of dropping the n-word yet again.
“Shut your goddamn mouth!” he says.
A white woman who seems like she could be the racist’s wife even seems to take the Black man’s side, appearing to yell at the white guy even after pleading that the slapee has had “enough.”
After yet more slaps, the white man falls against the bar stools, managing to knock all of them over like dominoes, and with a final shove, falls onto his back with a loud thud. Again, the Black man starts to leave, after picking up his hat, but the white guy still tries to confront him. This time, however, he’s pushed out of the area by the white lady as an Applebee’s employee shouts at him to get out.
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It seems that this video will be added to a series of favorites in the beloved genre of internet videos known as “racists finding out.” Though some concern has been expressed for the well-being of the racial slur dropper in this video, but the vast majority of commenters seem to think that if they’re not going to teach white kids about racism in schools, there may be only one option left.
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*First Published: February 18, 2022, 12:23 pm