Photo via @AubryAndrews/Twitter
February 18, 2022, 11:46 am
A German YouTuber, Christian youth pastor, and weird COVID conspiracy movie maker is creeping out everyone on the internet and exposing what seems to be a highly disturbing pattern among such youth pastors of pursuing and even dating girls under 18. The topic began circulating on Twitter after an account posted a screenshot of an Instagram post from Pastor Joshua Wesely from late 2020 in which he celebrated that the person he was dating — for four years — had just turned 18.
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The post included a photo of the couple, the very young woman gazing at Wesely lovingly while he looks into the camera (trope alert), as they hold balloons making out the number 18. There has been some debate over Wesely’s age, but the prevailing opinion seems to be that he is currently 24. He certainly looks older than his girlfriend, and Christian youth pastors are often adults.
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Some have pointed out that the age of consent in Germany is 14, but it’s important to remember that technicalities don’t make teenage girls older than they are or this any less creepy.
Wesely is now being accused of grooming the young woman who is now his wife, Isabelle, referring to a common tactic by child sexual abusers to gain a child’s trust and slowly manipulate them into accepting the abuse. This is generally more effective the younger the victim is when it starts.
Both Wesely and Isabelle’s Instagram accounts have been set to private following the widespread accusations of pedophilia and child abuse. Wesely doesn’t have a huge following on that platform, but his YouTube channel is still up with over 14,000 subscribers. His last video was uploaded three months ago, with videos from late 2021 titled with things like “Jesus ist mein BRO!”
He is also the director and star of the 2021 film 2025 – The World Enslaved by Virus which envisions a dystopian future where everyone still has to wear masks because of COVID and things like meetings and Christianity are banned because communists rule the Earth.
“It is the year 2025: Since the outbreak of the Corona virus in 2020, the world has not been the same,” the synopsis reads. “A communist system with a single world government has been established, English has been chosen as the world language, contacts have been reduced to a minimum. Christianity has been banned completely; the constitution how we knew it no longer exists. In Germany, a small group of young Christians start an underground revolution to reunite Christians and regain freedom.”
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Meanwhile, in the U.S. in 2022, the CDC is saying it’s going to recommend dropping mask requirements because people are just tired of wearing them, so, whatever.
Even worse, back on Twitter, people are sharing similar stories of youth pastors grooming and dating their young, sometimes even technically underage charges, leading people to wonder what is going on in Christian churches across the world.
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*First Published: February 18, 2022, 11:46 am